Chapter Forty-One

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"There you two are! I was just about to come looking for you!" Chan ran a hand through his hair. "I was starting to think something happened to the two of you." He was standing outside of a car. Han and Hyunjin were inside. Hyunjin was turned around talking to Han from the passenger's seat. 

"We're fine," Changbin wheeled Lennon's makeup case to the end of the car. He reached under the trunk and popped it open. "There was a minor incident, that's all." Lennon walked a few feet behind him. 

Chan opened one of the back doors and gestured for Lennon to enter the car. "What type of incident?" 

It was nearing midnight; the sun had gone down and was replaced by a crescent moon. Everyone was tired from the day's activities. Soundcheck had gone on longer than anticipated. Some of the microphones kept turning off. It took them an extra two hours to work through all the issues. Their late lunch had turned into an early dinner, followed by changing into their stage outfits, and getting their makeup done for the concert. After bouncing around on stage for over an hour, everyone was exhausted and hungry.  

As Lennon started to get into the car, Chan stopped her. His voice caused her to glance up at him. "What? Is something wrong?" 

Chan's eyes had stopped on her wrist. Bright red fingerprints were wrapped around the pale skin. His eyes darkened as he glanced over at Changbin. "What the fuck did you do?" He knew the two of them still weren't getting along. I.N had told him all about it before the show. 

Changbin slammed the trunk back down, "what do you mean?" 

"Did that conversation we had in the hotel gym mean nothing to you last night?" Chan's voice raised. "I knew you could be a dick, but seriously? Are you fucking serious, Changbin?" 

Changbin left his spot from behind the trunk. He crossed his arms over his chest. "What are you talking about?"

Time seemed to freeze as Chan's closed fist swung through the air. Lennon froze in her spot. Changbin's face twisted in pain as it crashed into the side of his jaw. "What the fuck?" Changbin cried out. A hand coddled his jaw. "What the fuck was that for?" 

Chan leaned his head back and laughed. "You think it's fun to grab women? You think it's easy because they're smaller than you? Try picking on someone your own size!" 

"I didn-" 

Changbin's words were cut off by Chan's fist again. Changbin shoved him away, "stop it and let me explain!" Chan sprang forward and tackled Changbin to the ground. 

The sound caused Han and Hyunjin to stop their conversation. Over and over again, Lennon could see Chan's fists flying through the air in the dim light coming from inside the car. Chan was straddled across Changbin's chest. All he could do was hold his arms in front of him to try and defend himself. 

One of Chan's hits collided with his nose. A crack filled the air and Changbin howled in pain. That brought Lennon back to reality. "Chan stop it! Stop it!" She hurried over and bent down to reach him. She attempted to grab his shoulder to pull him off of Changbin, but he kept pulling away.

 Hyunjin and Han hurried out of the car to help. Before they could reach Lennon, Chan shoved his elbow back behind him to force her away. He was so busy beating up Changbin that he hadn't realized who was behind him. The point of his elbow collided with Lennon's eye socket. She yelped and flung herself backwards. Before she could hit the ground, Hyunjin caught her. 

"Bang Chan get off of him!" Han yelled. He bent down and wrapped his arms around Chan's torso. He yanked with all his might, but Chan barely moved. "Hyunjin, help me!" 

After making sure Lennon was stable on her feet, Hyunjin hurried over. After a few seconds, it was clear it wasn't working. Hyunjin got up and darted away from the car. Lennon's eye socket was throbbing, but she ignored it. Blood poured out of Changbin's nose. The thick substance covered Chan's fists. 

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