Chapter Forty-Six

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When Han Jisung sits on the floor in front of you and places his head on your knees, you should know that it's not going to end well. You cannot lie to the man with chipmunk cheeks and chestnut eyes. No matter how much you want to, you won't be able to do it. 

"Can I help you?" Lennon asked. She had been sitting on the couch next to Changbin when Han sat down by her legs and placed his head on her knees. "Is there something you need?" 

"Well, you see..." 

Lennon raised an eyebrow. 

"I have a question, but I'm afraid you're going to get mad." He wrapped his arms around her legs. "Please don't get mad at me, it's just a question." 

"What's the question?" 

"Are you two like a thing now?" 

A blank look washed over Lennon's face. 

"Listen, I know it's not any of my business, but you threw yourself in front of Changbin when Chan was beating the dog shit out of him. People don't protect the people that they hate!" 

"Go back to minding your own business!" Changbin snapped. 

"Wait, we want to know! Are you guys a thing? Do you hate each other? We know you two were on top of each other when Han and I handcuffed you together!" Felix joined the conversation from the back of the bus. "Chan showed us the photo of you laying on top of him!" 

"You have what?" Changbin's voice started to rise. "Bang Chan!"

"Felix, you weren't supposed to tell them I have that!" 


"Don't get mad, just tell us!" Han squeezed Lennon's legs tighter. "Please, please, please! We want to know if you two are friends or if you're dating." 

Lennon's shoulders slumped and she glanced over at Changbin. He let out a sigh before he started explaining that the two of them had made up while they were handcuffed together. He told everyone that they were just friends and he left out the part about them kissing. 

Feeling giddy, Han removed himself from Lennon's legs and hurried towards Felix. "Our plan worked! We did it! We're geniuses!" 

"Hey, what about me?" Seungmin yelled from the back. "I was the one that dared you to do it!" 

"Shut up! You didn't have the balls to help us go through with the plan. You backed out because you're a coward!" 

"I am not!" 

"Yes you are!" Han argued. 

"Suck my dick!" 

"Alright, that's enough!" Chan spoke up. "Now that we know they're getting along, we can leave them alone. I'm sure we can find some way to entertain ourselves that doesn't require bothering the two of them." 

"Lennon, can you scoot over?" Felix came towards the couch with two cheese sticks in his hand. 

Lennon scooted farther away from Changbin and it didn't bother her. She didn't want to be heckled by the boys even more. Felix climbed up onto the couch and handed Changbin a cheese stick before laying down and placing his head on Changbin's lap. 

"Felix, what are you doing?" 

"Getting comfortable. What does it look like I'm doing? I missed you." He gently patted one of his knees. 

Chan shook his head and went back to striking up a conversation with the bus driver. Seungmin, I.N, and Hyunjin were still in the back bunks. Lee Know had stretched out on one of the booth seats attached to the table. He was scrolling on his phone with a pair of black earbuds in his ears. 

"Wait, I want to cuddle too! Lennon come here! Let me cuddle you!" Han made grabby hands at her from the floor. He looked like a toddler. "Please!" 

Lennon picked up a pillow from beside her and chucked it at him. The grin he was wearing quickly disappeared. Before he could say anything, Lennon slid onto the floor beside him. "Only if you let me lay my head on the pillow. I don't want my head to rest on the hard floor." 


Han quickly laid the pillow in front of him and patted it. Lennon crawled over and flopped onto it. Her head hit it with a soft thwack. Changbin couldn't help, but be a little jealous. Han had been so touchy with Lennon that it made him nervous. What if she started to like Han instead of him? 

Lennon's eyes closed, "I think this is the perfect spot to take a nap." Her hair sprawled out behind her head. She let her hands freely dangle above her head. Han scooted beside her and placed his head on her stomach. It didn't take long before he shut his eyes. 

"Are you guys having a cuddle session?" Hyunjin poked his head out of one of the bunks. "I want to join!" 

"Me too!" I.N agreed. 

"And me!" Seungmin struggled to get out of a bottom bunk. "Me three!

Before anyone could put a stop to it, the three members hurried to join the dog pile that Lennon and Han had started. Upon seeing the members rush by, Lee Know yanked his earbuds out of his ears. Seungmin sprawled out on Han's legs. I.N joined by lying on Han's chest. He let out a groan from all the extra weight. 

Hyunjin grabbed another pillow from the couch and laid beside Lennon, but he didn't touch her. Lee Know watched the pile grow and debated on joining it or not. After a few moments, he laid down on the opposite side of Hyunjin and let his legs hang on I.N. Lennon couldn't stop a smile from slowly growing on her face. 

"Chan! Come over here and join the pile!" Seungmin called out. 

Chan excused himself from talking to the bus driver and approached the pile of people blocking the path to the back of the bus. "What are you doing?" 

"Puppy piling! Join in!" A grin sat on I.N's face. "Don't be a party pooper!" 

Chan laughed and shook his head. He crouched down and laid on Seungmin. "Is that better?" 

"Much better." 

Lennon felt someone staring at her. She opened her eyes and found Changbin's. From the look on his face, she could tell that this was bothering him. She reached out and gently patted the top of his shoe. She wasn't that far away from his feet. 

Although they had agreed to be friends, she still liked him and nothing was going to change that. 

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