Chapter Ninety-Six

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Chan and Hyunjin walked into the living room with multiple plastic bags in their hands. They stopped to glance at the sight in the middle of the living room. At some point, the dog pile had disbanded. Everyone had moved off of each other. Instead of laying on top of one another, they were curled up around each other on the floor. 

In the middle, Lennon and Changbin lay clutched to one another. Her head was in his chest. His burly arms wrapped around her tightly. The rest of the band's limbs were strung around each other.

Chan couldn't help, but smiled at the sight of them. The time they spent in America had been fun, but it was rough. Next week, they'd get to do it again on their side of the world. Touring always took a lot out of them. 

Hyunjin sat the grocery bags down at his sides and took out his phone. He quickly took a few photos of the group. This was something he didn't want to miss out on. Perhaps he could draw this moment and try to memorialize it. 

"Do you want to join them?" Chan asked. 

He shook his head, "you can't make lunch by yourself. Besides, I got plenty of sleep last night. I won't need more until tonight." He picked up the bags and headed towards the kitchen. 

The two members tried to work quietly as they put groceries away. They left out the stuff for lunch and put the remaining produce away. Chan pulled out a pan and began heating it on the stove. Behind him, Hyunjin began washing and chopping up vegetables. 

The two worked together in silence; occasionally speaking in hushed whispers as they moved around each other in a silent dance. Snores drifted in from the living room. After a while, the smell of savory pork belly filled the air. It sizzled in the pan filled with oil. 

Changbin was the first one to stir. His nose twitched a few times. He opened his eyes and realized that he was wrapped around Lennon. As much as he wanted to investigate the source of the smell, he didn't dare move and risk waking up Lennon. 

His heart picked up speed in his chest. He still clung to the hope that two of them could fix the relationship that the fans had dismantled. It might take a while, but his optimism was better than nothing. 

"Pst! Are you awake?" Chan's voice came from overhead. 

Changbin tilted his head up to try and see him. Chan moved over, so he was in front of him. "There's lunch in the kitchen if you're hungry." 

"I know, but I don't want to wake Lennon up," he whispered back.

"Don't worry, I'm already up," Lennon mumbled into Changbin's chest. "I've been up for a while." 

"How long have you been awake?" 

She pulled her head out of his chest to look at him. "I don't know. I fell asleep at some point, but then I woke up again." 

He removed his arms from around her and sat up. Next to him, he whacked Seungmin on the back a few times. "Get up, it's time to eat!" He reached over Lennon and shook I.N. "Get up! Up, I say! We've been blessed by the gods and it's time to feast!" 

His loudness caused Han to stir and slowly open his eyes. He started to rub the sleep away and then stopped. Raising an eyebrow, he sniffed the air a few times. "Is that pork belly?" 

"Yeah, Hyunjin and I made dinner." 

"It smells wonderful, hyung," Felix mumbled. 

"Come on! Everyone get up! It's time to eat! It's gonna get cold! Let's go!" Changbin shoved himself off the ground and handed his hand out to Lennon. 

She grabbed it and let him pull her off the floor. 

"Do you have to be so loud?" Lee Know whined. 

"Get up!" Changbin shouted. 

Lee Know scoffed and shoved his arm over his eyes. Without thinking about it, Changbin walked over, grabbed his ankles and started to pull. Lee Know instantly removed his arm from his face and shot him a glare. Changbin dropped his ankles and hurried into the kitchen. 

"Get back here!" Lee Know called after him. "Where the fuck are the tissues? Better yet, where is that damn air fryer?" 

"I'm sorry!" 

Chan couldn't help, but laugh at the member's antics. It had been a bit since they could have a day to chill out and spend time together. No hotel rooms separating them and no take out. It was just a nice home cooked meal and each other's company. 

And he was going to soak up every little moment of it. 

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