Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Lennon knew that I.N was taller than her, but she never realized how much stronger he was. At least, not until his hands were around her waist and he was trying to pull her out of Changbin's room. Insults shot out of her mouth one after the next after the next. He almost had her out of the room, but she wiggled her way out of his grasp and back it.

Changbin could only laugh at her. She pointed a finger at him with narrowed brown eyes. "Fuck you, Changbin!" This only caused him to laugh harder. Her face was bright red, but this time it was out of anger instead of embarrassment. 

"Lennon, come on," I.N pleaded. "Let's just go. We have to go to soundcheck soon anyway. You don't have to ride with him in the car. Let's go, Chan is waiting for us in one of the cars." 

"Not until he apologizes!" 

Changbin rolled his eyes. 

"Changbin, please!" I.N pleaded with him. "Whatever you did, just apologize for it, so we can go. Our manager is going to be pissed if we're late." 

"Fine, I'm sorry..." He paused for a moment before he continued, "that you're a huge bitch." 

"You motherfucker!" Lennon lunged. 

Not expecting it, I.N barely caught her before she attacked Changbin. She struggled against his arms, but a large burst of strength came out of nowhere. He wrapped his arms around her midriff and yanked her away. Her feet dragged along the floor, but she couldn't stop herself from moving. 

Once the two of them were outside, I.N let her go and slammed the room's door shut. He stepped in front of the knob before she could try to reenter the room. Fighting her had caused him to be out of breath. He struggled to breathe while he continued guarding the door. "Can we go now?" 

"What's going on?" Han appeared out of a door nearby. 

"Oh, so now you show up!" I.N threw his hands up in the air. "I could have used your assistance like thirty seconds ago when Lennon and Changbin were at each other's throats." 

"Sorry, Felix and I were getting ready to go. I thought they had made up." He turned his attention towards Lennon. "Did the two of you not make up?" 

Lennon glared at him. Besides being mad at Changbin, she was still pissed that Felix and Han had handcuffed the two of them to begin with. Her arms folded over her chest. 

"No, don't be like that! Lennon, please, we're really sorry. We thought that it'd be okay. We thought that the two of you could make up. We thought it'd be good for you." Han gave her puppy dog eyes. "Please, don't be mad." 

The door to his hotel room swung open. Felix came out of the room with a yawn. "Are you guys ready to go?" His eyes caught Lennon's. "Did I walk into something I wasn't supposed to?" 

A large grin made its way across Han's face. "You know what would make you feel better? A visit from the tickle monster." 

"Don't you dare!" 

Han hurried towards her with wiggling fingers. She threw her arms up to shield herself, but Han's fingers found her sides. She squealed and squirmed as his fingers worked up and down. His soft touches immediately killed the anger she was harboring. "H-Han, stop!" 

"Not until you forgive us!" 

I.N and Felix started laughing at the sight in front of them. Lennon had stumbled and fell to the floor on her back. Han instantly pounced on top of her and continued his tickle attack. "Just say you forgive us! We're sorry and we won't do it again!" 

"Never!" Lennon barely got out through her giggles. 

"Well then, I guess you're not going to get your breakfast." 

"I take it back, I forgive you!" 

"Guys, help me!" Han called out. 

"What are you doing?" More giggles came from Lennon's mouth. Han grabbed her ankles and lifted them off the ground. "Put me down!" 

"Grab her hands!" 


I.N and Felix came over and each grabbed one of her arms. She squealed as her body lifted off the ground. Another laugh came out of her mouth. "Put me down!" 

"To the elevator and to the car!" Han called out. 

The three of them kept holding onto Lennon as they began their descent down the hallway. Lennon was still unable to stop her laughter. As they walked further away and her laughter faded, Changbin exited his hotel room. He had his ear pressed against the thin panel of wood the whole time. 

He could hear everything from Han begging for forgiveness to Felix joining the conversation and Lennon's laughter. The sound of her laughter was like music to his ears. He thought this whole thing was going to be easy. How was he supposed to pretend to hate her if she made him feel like this? 

A goofy smile sat on his face while he imagined what it must have been like outside the door. Lennon probably crossed her arms over her chest and stood with her lips in a small pout. When she laughed, she always tilted her head back. The left corner of her mouth always started to turn into the start of a smile before she fully smiled. 

Perhaps it was a good thing that his feelings about her were now out in the open. A weight had been lifted off his shoulders after he told her. He had only guessed that she liked him back. Of course, he had caught her glancing at him a few times, but he hadn't thought much of it. He hadn't expected her to go ahead and agree with him. 

The band didn't know she liked him, but they knew Changbin liked her. They had already said none of them liked her romantically. He didn't have to worry about that part of it. 

The only issue was JYP; how were they going to hide their true feelings from the man that could make or break their careers? 

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