Chapter Thirty-One

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The deep breaths she took weren't helping. In fact, they might have been making everything worse. She had pulled her knees up to her chest. Her cuffed wrist was still attached to Changbin's. He must have fallen back asleep because he hadn't made another sound since Felix and Han left. 

She dug her nails into the denim fabric coating her knees. This would be simple if Changbin stayed asleep, but she had a feeling that he was going to wake up. The cuffs were cold and if he moved, he'd realize he was trapped. 

There was no doubt in Lennon's mind that his anger would be targeted at her. It wasn't her fault this had happened. If she knew this had been waiting for her, she wouldn't have opened her hotel room door. She would have pretended she was still asleep. 

A groan came from the bed. Changbin tried to move his left arm, but something prevented it from fully moving. "What the fuck?" He grumbled. He blinked his sleepy eyes and moved his right arm. Unprepared for this, Lennon's hand shot up with his arm. She shoved her uncuffed hand over her mouth too afraid to speak. 

"What the fuck is going on?" Changbin called out. "Who the fuck is handcuffed to me?" 

Lennon squeezed her eyes shut and took a shaky breath. She tried to gather her courage before she spoke. "It's Lennon." 

"What the fuck are you doing in my room? How did you get handcuffed to me and why am I handcuffed to the bed?" 

"Felix and Han. I'm sorry, I didn't know this is what they had planned. They asked me to do their makeup and when I came up here they ambushed me." 

"I'm going to kill those bastards." Changbin let his arm drop and her arm fell with it. "Where the fuck is my cell phone?" 

"They probably took it. They took mine too. I told them I'd scream for help, but everyone is apparently downstairs going out for breakfast." 

"Of course they are. Everyone had to leave and those two pricks had to plan this and now we're stuck here. They could have picked anyone to stick with me and of course they just had to choose you." 

"Why do you hate me so much?" Lennon blurted out. "I mean I get it, I spilled coffee on you and cracked your phone. I beat your Pac-Man high score, but other than that, what did I do to you?"

Changbin ignored her question. "Do you know when they're going to be back?" 

"They said maybe an hour or two." 

"An hour or two? Are you fucking serious?" Changbin groaned again. "They're so dead!" 

Lennon bit her tongue and curled into herself. She should have known he wasn't going to answer her question. He had already told her that he hadn't wanted to interact with her. The whole incident last night just made everything worse. 

Changbin bit the inside of his cheek. His blood was boiling. He had already felt like an ass after his conversation with Chan last night. He hadn't even figured out how he was going to apologize and he had just woken up. Here she was, sitting right below him. She had asked him a question and he didn't want to admit the truth, but how could he lie to her? 

All those insults and silent treatments, they were stupid. They were stupid and childish and if he would have known her past, he would have never, ever, ever started acting like that. He had just broken her heart over and over again. 

Chan was right, everyone got along with Lennon. Hell, he'd probably get along with her too. He couldn't lie, he was jealous when she hung out with everyone else. They were always smiling and laughing around her and he wasn't. It's not like he could because he dug himself his own grave. 

He had started out as an asshole. Would she ever forgive him for the things he did? Even if he apologized, would they ever have a genuine relationship? Doubt flooded him all over again. He had struggled with these thoughts last night before he went to bed. 

They haunted him as he ran on the treadmill. In the shower after working out, he couldn't stop thinking about her. As he laid down to sleep, he couldn't help, but wonder what type of relationship she held with her dad. He hadn't realized she was having a panic attack in the car. All he knew was that the way she looked at him, it killed him inside. 

Even if he apologized and she accepted it, nothing could happen between them. JYP said it himself, the staff members weren't allowed to date. Plus, he had no idea if Lennon felt the same way about him as he felt about her. All he could do was attempt to try and make things right between them. 

He took a deep breath before he started to speak. Overwhelmed by a burst of courage, he'd tell her the truth. He'd tell her everything. 

Whatever happened next, it was up to her. 

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