Chapter Thirty

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Only picking up a few hours of sleep, Lennon woke up at nine. Unable to go back to sleep, she pulled on clean clothes, and did her makeup. Not wanting to answer questions from anyone else in the band, she used a color corrector and concealer to hide the discoloration of her neck. 

Soundcheck wasn't until noon, so she had plenty of time to make herself look presentable. The venue wasn't that far away, so they weren't leaving the hotel until eleven-thirty. A loud banging on her hotel room door made her jump. 

She peered out the peep hole to see Han and Felix standing outside the door. She opened it and peeked her head out. A grin sat on Han's face, "good morning!" 

"Morning, what are you two doing?" 

Han glanced over at Felix. 

"Well, you see, we were all going to go out for breakfast," Felix started. "However, we were wondering if you could do our makeup first." 

"Yeah, if you guys want to come inside I can g-" 

"No!" Han interrupted. "We have this specific palette upstairs we want to use. Plus, I know you're pretty decent with clothing. You seem to wear a lot of stylish pieces and I want to know if I should wear the shirt that I'm wearing now or a different one with these jeans. I'd ask I.N, but he's still sleeping." 

"Okay, let me get some brushes." Lennon turned around to start heading back into her room. 

"There's no need," Felix chimed in. "The palette came with a really fancy set of brushes. We just want our eyeshadow done, so there's no need to get anything else." 

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, come on! Chan wants to go soon and you know how Chan is about his deadlines. He doesn't like missing them. He enjoys a strict schedule, you know." 

Lennon palmed the back of her pants. She had her phone in one of her back jean pockets and her wallet in the other. Her wallet contained the key card for her hotel room. "How did you guys figure out what room I was in?" 

"We asked our manager. We were all supposed to be on the same floor as each other, but someone forgot to reserve you a room. You weren't on the reservation list, so they put you in this room instead. Don't worry, the next hotel we'll stay in, we'll all be together on the same floor," Felix reassured her. 

The three of them made small talk while they headed up the stairs. Lennon asked if they were excited to be performing tonight; they were. It had been a while since the band had been to America. 

"Can I use your phone, so we can take a selfie together?" Han asked. 

Lennon pulled out her phone and handed it to him. He lit up the lock screen, a photo of Lennon and a few of her friends stared back at him. Guilt flooded through him at once. She was going to hate the stunt that he and Felix had planned. He pushed it down and clicked on the camera button. 

"Everyone say cheese!" Han raised the phone above his head and smiled. Felix flashed a quick peace sign. Lennon's lips turned up into a soft smile. Han took the picture and laughed. "Okay let's do another one!" 

"Wait a minute, mate, we're here." 

Han let his hand fall with Lennon's phone still in it. Felix eased the door open slowly. Loud snores came from inside the room. Lennon raised an eyebrow and glanced at Han. 

"Sorry, this is Changbin and I's room. Don't worry, we'll be in and out real quick. Besides, he's a heavy sleeper, he won't know we're here." 

"Yeah, let's just go to the bathroom." 

Felix headed towards the bathroom and she started to follow him. Han shut the door behind them and glanced at Changbin. His left arm was handcuffed to the headboard. Lennon hadn't realized it because Han threw a pillow over it to hide it. Thankfully, Changbin hadn't moved positions. 

Without warning, two arms wrapped themselves around Lennon. Before she could realize what was happening, her feet left the floor. She kicked and wiggled wildly, but Han had a tight grip on her. "What the fuck are you doing?" She couldn't stop her voice from rising. "Let me go!" 

"Hurry up, Felix! She's going to get away! I can't hold her like this forever!" He started to drag her towards Changbin. 

"Let me go!" She cried again. "Seriously, this isn't funny!" 

Felix removed a pair of handcuffs from his back pocket. He wrapped one of the cuffs around Changbin's right wrist. Han forced Lennon closer to him. She wiggled her hands, but it didn't matter. Felix grabbed her hand with one of his own and snapped the cold cuff over her wrist. 

Han released his grip and Lennon fell to the floor. Changbin's arm hung off the bed attached to her wrist. She was too afraid to move and wake him up. 

"You've had your fun, now uncuff me!" 

Felix glanced at Han. Amusement twinkled in his eyes. "I think, if I remember right, we have breakfast to enjoy." 

"I'll scream for help," she threatened. 

"Go ahead, nobody will hear you. Everyone is downstairs waiting to go to breakfast. Thankfully, the third floor gets fully reserved for guests. Besides the band staff and the band, nobody else is on this floor and they're all downstairs." 

Her eyes widened as she frantically looked around the room trying to find an escape. "I'll call the front desk!" 

"Sorry, but you can't," Han shrugged apologetically. "I unplugged the room's phone. You won't be able to reach it and plug it back in while you're cuffed." 

"I'll call Chan!" 

"With what? This?" He raised the cell phone in his hand that she had given him. 

"Han, please," Lennon begged. "Please, please, please don't do this." 

"Sorry, mate. We've got to go," Felix cut in. "We'll see you two after breakfast and don't worry, we'll only be gone an hour or two." 

"What's going on?" Changbin's voice grumbled from his bed. 

Felix's eyes widened. "Would you look at the time? We've really got to be going!" 

"See you later!" Han added. 

"We'll bring you breakfast back!" 

"Wait!" Lennon cried out. 

She was met with the hotel door slamming. Changbin wasn't fully awake on the bed, so he hadn't realized what had happened yet. The hair stood up on the back of her neck. A chill trickled down her spine. 

She had been left alone in the lion's den with nowhere to go. 

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