Chapter One-Hundred and Five

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Walking out of Dr. Kang's office, Lennon did feel lighter. A new hope had blossomed deep inside of her. She got in her car and pulled up Changbin's number. Right as she began to type out a text, the screen popped up with an incoming call. 

She swiped across the phone and held it up to her ear. "Hello?" 

"Oh my god, you're alive!" Hana squealed in delight. 

Lennon couldn't help, but let out a laugh. "Yeah, I'm alive. Sorry I haven't texted or called you in a while. I've been dealing with some stuff." 

"Oh, I know. Don't worry about it, I've been getting updates about you from the guys. Are you doing anything right now?" 

"Uh, I was getting ready to head back to the guys' dorm, why? Do you need something?" 

"Actually, I do. If I send you my address, can you come over? I'm bored and I miss you. My husband is at work, so I'm all alone with Hyun-Joo. She's sleeping right now and I need to talk to someone. I'm bored out of my mind and I miss you." 

"Of course, I'll come over. I almost forgot, but I have souvenirs for you guys. Where do you live?" 

"It's on the opposite side of the dorm rooms. I'm a few streets away from that really popular boba tea place. The guys get drinks from there all the time."  

"Go ahead and send it to me. I'll be there in a few minutes. I'm on that side of town right now." 

"Okay! I'm sending it. I'll see you soon! Love you, bye!" 

Lennon never had a chance to respond because Hana hung up. She chuckled and went back to finishing her text message to Changbin. 

Can we talk later? 

She turned her phone on vibrate and waited for a response. It didn't take long, it was only a few seconds. 

Are you okay? Did the therapy session go well? Is everything alright? Should I call you? 

She chuckled at his concern. 

I'm alright. It was great. I'm on the way to Hana's place. She wants to hang out and catch up. I'll be back at the dorms later. I just wanted to know if we could talk. Don't worry, it's not about anything bad. 

His response quickly followed. 

Oh, okay. Yeah, we can talk later. I'll be sure to let the guys know, so they don't freak out. Have fun and tell her I said hi! 

Hana instantly pinged in with her address. She sent Changbin a quick response and then loaded Hana's address into her phone's GPS system. The two had texted back and forth while Lennon was on tour with the guys multiple times. However, she had never bothered to ask where Hana lived. 

Turning her car key, the car rumbled to life beneath her. Chan had driven her back to her apartment this morning, so she could grab her car. As nice as Chan's car had been, it didn't feel right driving it. Lennon had missed the texture of her cloth covered steering wheel. 

She backed out of her parking space and began the drive to Hana's place. Thankfully, she had the gift bag full of New York souvenirs in her trunk. She had kept them there just in case there would be an incident like this one. 

She made her way through town. Seoul was jammed with traffic at six in the evening. The five minute trip had turned into fifteen. By the time she had made it to Hana's location, her phone lit up with an incoming call from her. 

Lennon swiped it and before she could speak, Hana cut her off. "Where are you? I thought you said you were on this side of town!" 

"I just pulled into your driveway." 

"I'm coming!" 

It didn't take long before the wooden front door of the two story house opened. Lennon turned off her car and popped her door open. Hana waved her towards the white plastered building. "Hi! Come in, come in! I've missed you so much and we have so much to talk about." 

"Let me get your souvenirs first." 

She slammed her door shut and walked back to the trunk. After grabbing the small paper bag, she made her way up towards the front door. Hana was practically bouncing on the balls of her feet with excitement. "What did you get? Is it anything good?" 

"It's nice to see you too," Lennon joked.

Hana threw her arms around the younger girl's frame, nearly making her topple over. "I'm sorry, I haven't seen you in a while and I'm excited. My husband says you probably think I'm weird because I instantly befriended you based on the band's reaction to you and then I met you in the cafe. I don't mean to come off that way, I swear. I have good intentions and I-" 

She let out a laugh, "I know. I don't think you're weird. I'm glad we're friends. I don't know what I'd do without you. You were my saving grace on the American tour more times than I'd like to admit.

"Yeah, well, you need some estrogen to try and balance out all that testosterone. Come on in!" Hana stepped to the side. "The kiddo is sleeping, so we're gonna have to be quiet." 

"That's okay. Has she grown since the last time I saw her?" 

"She has more hair now." 

"That's good." 

"Do you wanna see her?" 

"Could I?" Lennon beamed. 

"Of course, come on, let's go!" 

And with that, Hana shut her front door and dragged Lennon towards the nursery. 

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