Chapter One-Hundred and Thirteen

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By the time round four came, Lennon was spent. Her chest heaved up and down. Sweat glistened down her forehead. So many tears had fallen and they darkened the top of her shirt. 

"What are you thinking, pretty girl?" Changbin asked. "Are you too fucked out to understand what I'm saying? 

"Again," she whimpered. "Please, I need you." 

Her whole body ached, but she was determined not to break. She'd go until he was the first to cave. Too stubborn for her own good, she spread her legs to reveal glistening folds. Above her, Changbin's cock pressed against the denim fabric of his jeans. His dick was so painfully swollen and throbbing. Soaked in pre-cum, Lennon's moans were music to his ears. 

"You think you can take me again, hmm? Princess, I'm not sure you can take anymore. Besides, my fingers are getting tired." He slowly slid two fingers back inside of her. 

Her hips bucked at the feeling and her back arched. "Please!" She begged. She shimmied her hips; a piss poor attempt to ride his fingers. All she wanted was for him to move them up and down. Scissor her poor pussy open until she sobbed. Electrified by his touch, she never wanted him to stop. 

"I don't think so," he purred. He quickly freed his fingers from her. A slippery trail of cum followed with them. 

She let out a wail of frustration. He basked in it; the furrowed eyebrows, the continuation of steady tears, lips pressed in a pout. He was getting high off the whole thing. She looked so miserable and pathetic and it was all because of him. It did wonders to his ego. 

Without a word, he unzipped his own jeans. He shuffled off of Lennon and yanked the fabric off his legs. She watched him with wide eyes. He placed his palm over his hardened bulge. 

The sight made something inside of Lennon snap. She tugged against the handcuffs, letting out a whine as the metal bit into her skin. "Let me out of these!" 

"Not yet, sweetheart." 

"Binnie, please! I wanna touch you! I wanna make you feel good too!" 

"Don't you worry, doll. You've got plenty of time to please me. Let me worry about you for now." 

He moved back over to the bed. Lennon's legs were still spread wide open. He grabbed her ankles and pulled her further down the bed. She yelped as her body slid and the handcuffs yanked against her wrists again.  

An insatiable hunger filled him; like a starving man, he feasted. Face pressed against her dripping cunt, he lapped up every drop of her. Tongue creating friction against her clit, her pornographic moans filled the air. 

He spoke in the language of back-breaking pleasure. Too buried deep inside her cunt, he could barely breathe. It was only made worse when she squeezed her thighs around his head. She couldn't move her hands, but with the simple gesture, he read her like a book. 

His meaty fingers dug into her ass cheeks as he burrowed his face in further and that's when the screaming started. She yelled his name with such intensity, such passion, he thought he was going to finish in his pants right then and there. Baptizing between her thighs, he couldn't breathe, but it didn't matter. 

Lennon didn't have time to warn him before her body shook. She squeezed her eyes shut and let pleasure wash over her once more. Beneath her, Changbin's tongue kept moving. The intensity of it all was too much. She tried to squirm away, but his hands held her hostage. 

Over-sensitivity made her cry out. More tears fell down her cheeks. She was a complete mess. Her hair had twisted and tangled as she laid on one of Changbin's pillows. The tops of her cheeks had turned red from crying so much. Her whole body was coated with sweat. 

Finally, Changbin pulled away from her. He used the back of his hand to wipe his chin. He spoke out of breath. "Did you know dessert is my favorite part of the meal?" 

Lennon had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. Her chest continued to heave up and down. No matter what happened, she couldn't bear the thought of having another orgasm without touching him first. She wanted him. He had his fun, but when did she get a chance to make him cry? 

"What are you thinking about in that pretty brain of yours?"

"Kiss me." 

She didn't have to tell him twice. He hurried back up onto the bed and let their lips clash together. An unholy movement that they didn't quite understand; lips colliding and tongues swirling. Over and over again, their lips moved. Lennon could taste every bit of herself. 

Feeling bold, she gently caught his bottom lip between her teeth, and tugged. He let out a moan and pulled away from her. "I should," he started. 

But she cut him off, "you should get me out of these handcuffs and let me make you feel good."

"Is that what this is about?" 

"Please." She closed the gap between the two of them and placed another kiss on his lips. It didn't take long before her teeth found his earlobe. She gently began nibbling on it. 

His breath hitched in his throat. "You really know how to make a man lose his mind, you know that?" 

Lennon wanted to grin, but she didn't dare stop. 

Princesses always get what they want.  

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