Chapter Eighteen

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She had lost track of time. She kept her eyes open so long, they kept tearing up. She'd quickly blink, reopen them, and stare at the screen again. It wasn't good for her eyes, but she didn't care. Han had disappeared and hadn't come back. She died once more and decided it wouldn't hurt to play the stupid game again. 

That's where she had been since. Toggling the joystick around, avoiding the ghosts, and frantically trying to eat as many pellets as possible. She had blocked everyone out. Nobody else existed at this moment in time. It was just her and the arcade game. 

"Holy fucking shit," Han's voice came from behind her. 

Apparently, he had returned. Maybe he had been there the whole time and she just hadn't noticed. The screen started to blur again, she blinked, and returned to the game. She didn't dare look at how many points she had. It'd just break her concentration and she'd die. 

A tear trickled down her cheek while her eyes watered. She took another blink and let out a quiet "fuck" beneath her breath. On and on it went. She didn't know what time it was when she started and she couldn't look. If it was one, everyone would have to come find her and Han. 

A song with heavy bass started up in the background. She could feel the bass shake the arcade floor. She furrowed her eyebrows and concentrated harder on the game in front of her. How was anyone supposed to play the games and concentrate when the music was this loud? It was loud enough that it caused her ears to start ringing. 

She thought she had more time. The pink ghost followed her down one maze and into another. Out of nowhere, the blue one appeared on the other side of her. There was nowhere for Pac-Man to go. She was trapped on both sides. Her shoulders dropped in defeat as they ate her character. 

"Damn it, that was my last life!" 

Cheers and clapping came from behind her. Startled, she turned around to see the band members around her. "Where did you guys come from?" 

"Han came and got us when you were close to beating Changbin's score. We've been here ever since. I'm so glad you beat him! I've been dreaming about this day for months!" Felix hurried over to her and wrapped his arms around her. "I don't have to listen to his bragging anymore. Thank you!" 

Lennon stiffened beneath his grip. "Uh, you're welcome? I didn't really think I beat his score. I don't know what I scored, I was too concentrated on not dying." 

"You beat him by five thousand points. He was here watching you, but as soon as you beat his score, he stormed off. I'm shocked you didn't hear him because he was pretty loud." 

"Sour Lennon looks a lot better at the top of the high score list," Hyunjin pointed out. 

"Who would have thought that Changbin would be taken down by a girl. You definitely bruised his ego." Han slung his arm over Lennon's shoulders. "Should we celebrate with bumper cars? It is a little after one." 

"You guys can go ahead, I need to fix my vision. My eyes hurt from staring at the screen for so long. I'll meet you over there when you're done. I don't want to get on the ride and risk throwing up or something." 

"Are you sure?" Chan asked. "I can stay off the ride with you if you want." 

Lennon shook her head, "go ahead and go. I'll be fine, I promise." 

"Alright, to the bumper cars!" Lee Know pointed to the back of the building. 

I.N and Seungmin took off screaming as they weaved through people. Felix chuckled before hurrying after them. "They're so dramatic," Hyunjin complained while following them with his arms crossed. The rest of the band followed them. The only one that was missing was Changbin.

And Lennon was going to do anything to find him.  

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