Chapter Eleven

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"I want pasta." 

"I want pizza." 

"And I want both of you to shut up!" Lee Know complained. "I told you that we're not picking anything until Lennon gets here. She's coming over, so we can get to know her better. Don't be a bunch of pricks." 

"Yeah, don't be pricks, Changbin already has that covered," Hyunjin mocked him. 

"Do you want more tissues in your mouth?" Lee Know shot him a glare. 

"No! I'm sorry hyung, forgive me!" 

"That's what I thought." 

"Where is she?" Han complained. "I called her ten minutes ago and she's not here yet!" 

"She probably has to go through traffic. We don't even know where she lives. Just give her a few minutes to get here. You can't expect her to magically appear with the snap of your fingers." 

Hyunjin lifted his hand and snapped his fingers. A knock came from the front door. Han threw his head back and started to laugh. Lee Know shook his head. "You know what I meant! This is just a crazy coincidence." 

The front door opened to reveal I.N. with a smile on his face. "Glad to see you made it in one piece." 

"I'm glad I arrived in one piece. Some dumbass almost took the side out of my car at a stoplight. It's rush hour and I'm glad to be off the road." 

"Lennon, come here!" 

"Would you like anything to drink?" I.N asked ignoring whoever called for Lennon. 

"No thanks, I'm okay. Thanks for asking though. Where are the rest of the gremlins?" 

"They're in the living room complaining because Lee Know is making them behave." He started walking towards the living room. "Here you go," he gestured towards the three boys sitting around the large room. 

"So you guys all live here?" Lennon asked. 

"No, unfortunately. I'm stuck with 3racha in a dorm a few minutes away. It's a miracle that I can survive with them. They're always trying to get me to drink protein shakes and go to the gym with them." Hyunjin sat up on the couch. 

"Wow, I'm hurt," Han placed a hand to his chest. "I'm a third of 3racha. Do you ever consider how people's feelings might be hurt before you open up your mouth and speak?" 

"Oh, fuck off!" Hyunjin shot back. 

"The rest of us live in this dorm. Don't mind the children. Now that you're here, what do you like to eat?" Lee Know pulled out his phone. "We're door-dashing food, but I didn't want to order something and have you not eat it. After all, you are our guest." 

"Oh, I'm not really picky. I'll eat almost anything." 

"Like pizza?" Hyunjin perked up. 

"And pasta?" Han added. 

"Yeah, I'll eat pizza and pasta." 

Han and Hyunjin's hands connected together in a high-five. Lee Know glanced up from his phone. "I.N, what do you want to eat?" 


Lee Know nodded at the youngest member of the band. 

"Whatever you think sounds good, I'm not picky either." 


"Surprise me." 

"If you say so," Lee Know mumbled. He glanced back down at his phone and began tapping away. Silence quickly took over the living room. 

"The house is really pretty," Lennon spoke up. She took in the sight of it all. The living room was painted a pale blue color. Art pieces sat up on the wall in black frames. "The art is beautiful and it smells really good." 

"At least, someone pays attention to the scent. We have a candle warmer in the kitchen. I'm always trying to make it smell nice, it feels more homey that way," I.N commented.

"And I made the art," Hyunjin pointed to himself. "I draw and paint in my free time." 

"Really?" Lennon's mouth opened in shock. "I had no idea, they're gorgeous." 

A door opened up from a hallway. "Guys, does anyone know what we're having for supper?" Seungmin came into view. "Oh, Lennon, you made it. I didn't know if you were going to show up or not." 

"God fucking damn it!" A voice yelled. 

Lennon froze in her spot. A door swung open and out stormed Felix. His arms were crossed and a frown sat on his face. 

Lee Know spoke first, "what the fuck are you doing?" 

Felix looked up and opened his mouth. His eyes met Lennon's and he quickly dropped his arms. "Lennon, I had no idea you were coming. Why didn't anyone tell me she was coming? I'm so sorry about that, I thought it was just the guys." 

"We tried to tell you, but you must not have heard us," I.N said. 

"Yeah, I had my headphones on." 

"Plus, I texted you," Han added. 

"I haven't looked at my phone. Sorry about that guys. We're glad you're here Lennon. Pretend that you didn't just hear me get mad at my video game. It won't happen again, I swear." 

"Oh, it'll happen again," Hyunjin disagreed. "This always happens with you." 

Felix shot him a look. Hyunjin held up his hands and turned his attention back to Lee Know. "So about that pizza..." 

"It's too late. I've already ordered the food. You'll have to find out what it is when it gets here." 

"Is it pizza?" Hyunjin asked. 


"Pasta?" Han added. 

"Maybe, maybe not. You two are just going to have to chill out and find something to do. Lennon, is there anything specific you want to do?" 

"Not really. Han said you guys had board games." 

"Board games? You asked her over and you wanted to play board games?" Hyunjin groaned. "How old are we?" 

"There's nothing wrong with board games!" Han shot back. "Come on, Lennie, let's go pick out a board game. The rest of these losers can join us if they want to." 

"Lennie?" I.N raised an eyebrow. 

Lennon returned his look with a shrug. Han forced himself off the couch and grabbed Lennon's wrist. "Let's go, we have a lot of options. There's Monopoly and I think there's a matching game." 

Lennon followed behind him. He didn't let go of her wrist. A smile appeared on her face. She was glad things weren't awkward between any of them. 

No matter what happened, she already knew this was going to be a long night. 

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