Chapter Sixty-Nine

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Lennon slid her hand into her back pocket and whipped out her cell phone. Quickly, she unlocked the screen and found Han's number. Nibbling on her bottom lip, she clicked the call button and lifted the phone to her ear. Her blood roared in her ears, partly from anxiety, and partly from sprinting. 

The red numbers at the top of the elevator rose while she moved up to the top floor. She thought she had lost all the fans, but she had led one right to the band. She recognized her from the group of fans earlier. If Han and the bodyguard weren't here by now, they'd come into the hotel and be ambushed. 

Her phone rang and rang and rang until it hit voicemail. She ended the call and tried to call him again. Once more, he didn't pick up his phone. She sent him a quick text message warning him that the fans had found their hotel. She figured his phone must have been off. 

The elevator doors dinged and slid open. She hurried out and started sprinting down the empty hall. Chan's door was down the way and he'd know what to do. She quickly knocked on it a few times. Chan opened it almost immediately with furrowed eyebrows. "What's with the urgent knocking?"

"The fans found our hotel. I accidentally led them to the hotel," she blabbed. "I didn't mean to! I tried to distract them because they spotted Han and so I pretended to be him. I took off running to cause a distraction and I thought I lost them, but one of them found me and I-" 

She waved her hands in the air, "I didn't mean to! I thought that I could lose them and I thought I did. This one girl saw me in the elevator and she doesn't know I'm on this floor, but she knows we're here. She knows I was hanging out with Han! I can't get him to answer his cell phone and I don't know if he came back to the hotel. I'm freaking the fuck out!" 

"Okay, why don't you come in here? Was Han with a bodyguard?" Chan opened the door wider to let Lennon slip into his room. 

"Yes, but if you ask me, he's shitty at his job. When we were walking around a gift shop, he was kind of in his own little world. I told him I'd get him fired if he didn't protect Han." 

"Take a deep breath and try to breathe. Our bodyguards might not seem that great, but I can assure you they're trained to do their jobs properly." 

"There was a group of fans and one bodyguard Chan. Just one! You know how nervous Han gets around people and I-" She took a shaky breath. "We weren't even doing anything bad, we just went to get some souvenirs and everything went wrong." 

Chan's phone buzzed between his hands. He held up a hand to quiet Lennon and answered the phone. "Hello?" He nodded his head a few times. "Just go to the venue. We have to be there in a half hour anyway. Yeah, yeah, I'll tell him."

Lennon held her breath. 

Chan flashed her a reassuring smile. "Yeah, don't worry, she made it back to the hotel. I'm staring at her right now. Tell him that she's fine, just a little sweaty. I'll get the guys around and we'll head down there. See you in a few minutes."   

Her cheeks burned. 

He turned his phone off and slid it back into his pocket. "Well, I have good news and I have some bad news." 

"What's the good news?"

"Han is safe with the bodyguard. I guess the two of them found a taxi. It seemed that he was worried about you as much as you were worried about him. Don't freak out, he's fine, just a little nervous." 

"And the bad news?" 

"The bad news is that you did indeed lead a fan here. Apparently, she called her friends and they're currently downstairs hanging out in the lobby. I guess the lobby staff are trying to get them to leave, but they're being fangirls and you know how that is." 

Lennon squeezed her eyes shut, "shit. I thought the coast was clear when I ran in here. So what are we going to do?" 

"Honestly, I'm surprised that the fans didn't find the hotel earlier. Don't work yourself up over it, it happens sometimes. We're leaving tomorrow and this is one of the best hotels in the area. They're going to handle the fans. Hotel security exists for a reason. We're just going to leave a little earlier to go to the sound check out the back entrance, that's all." 

"That's all?" Lennon's voice raised, "seriously?" 

"I said it wasn't a big deal," Chan shrugged. "I mean it could have been worse. There are only maybe ten fans downstairs. One time Felix and I.N accidentally led a group of fifty fans to a hotel once. After a few minutes, friends told their friends and so on and so forth and that didn't end very well." 

"So I'm not going to get mobbed if I grab my makeup case from my hotel room?" 

"Thankfully, no. While you're doing that, can you get the rest of the guys? Han is already on the way there with his bodyguard. I've got to change real quick." 

"Yeah, I'll get them." 

"Thank you." 

And with that, she left his hotel room. 

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