Chapter Seventy-Three

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A/N: For legal reasons, please do not try recreating the actions in this chapter. That is incredibly dangerous and this is a work of fiction. Fanfiction is not real life and I don't want you to fall to your death while getting railed. Enjoy <3

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"What are you looking at?" The question blurted out of Changbin. "Is something wrong? You keep looking behind me and it's starting to make me worry."

Lennon blinked, startled by his outburst, and glanced back over to him. "Sorry, it's nothing. I didn't mean to scare you or anything." She went back to digging a gusher out of the plastic packaging in her hand. 

"No, don't do that," Changbin whined. "Just tell me what it is." 

She shook her head and popped a red gusher into her mouth. The artificial juice inside of it leaked onto her tongue. The gummy texture stuck between every tooth. "It's embarrassing and I don't want to ruin what we have going on right now. Besides, it's really inappropriate." 

"You can't just say that and expect me to let it go, please tell me, please!" Soft puppy dog eyes appeared on Changbin's face. "Don't leave me hanging." 

Lennon looked at him for a long time before she let out a sigh. "Do you promise you won't judge me?" 

"Why would I judge you? Of course, I won't judge you, I promise." 

"It's just that I've been thinking about life lately and how I don't take risks." 


"And I can't help, but admit that you look so good in that blazer." 

"O-oh?" He was completely caught off guard.

"And the two of us are all alone so..." she trailed off. She picked up the glass of wine next to her. "Never mind, I don't know what I'm saying. I think I've had too much to drink." She tipped the glass and swallowed the remaining liquid. 

His eyes darkened. "Do you want me?" 

She paused for a moment. "Yeah, but I don't just want you. I want to be railed over the edge of the building." She closed her eyes and tipped her head back. "Over the edge of the building with the wind in my hair. Your hands all over me and our lips connecting together. It'd be exhilarating, don't you think?" 

"That seems incredibly risky. What if I dropped you or something?" 

"And what if you didn't? You're strong, I know you could hold me up with those big muscles of yours." She poked his bicep and let out a small laugh.

"I think you might be a little tipsy." 

"And I don't think you're tipsy enough." She pulled out the half empty wine bottle and ripped the cork out of it. She filled her glass with more wine and then added more to Changbin's half full glass. "Just think about it, you and me, plus all of New York." 

"Remind me to never let you drink wine while we're on a roof ever again. Trust me, I love the sound of it, but it's too dangerous." 

"Okay, you're starting to sound incredibly responsible and like Chan. What's the worst that could happen?" 

"You could fall to your death!" 

"That's what makes it so thrilling! You're telling me you don't want to put your hands right here." She placed her hands on her breasts. "You don't want to make me scream your name?" 

"God fucking damn it." 

She giggled and chugged her glass of wine. Not even taking a moment to catch her breath, she lunged towards Changbin. Her hungry hands found his chest. She rubbed them up along his pecs. "After all, you did say that this was something I'd only experience once. You insisted that I'd never be able to forget it." 

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