Chapter One-Hundred and Fifteen

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Lennon woke up as the first golden tendrils of light shot through Changbin's window. His sheet was still wrapped around her. She blinked a few times savoring the moment. Behind her, Changbin's arm was slung over her waist. His warm breath kept hitting the back of her neck. Loud snores filled the room. 

She reached down with one hand and removed his hand from her. Carefully, she removed herself from his bed. Their clothes were still strung around the room from the previous night. She pulled the sheet around her body tighter. Making her way towards her suitcase, she pulled out a new outfit, and started towards the bathroom. 

Hopefully, none of the guys would be back from the other dorm yet. Holding her breath, she twisted Changbin's door open and waited. The only thing that filled the air was silence besides the sound of Changbin's snores. 

She slid between the door and the frame. Not wasting time, she hurried to the bathroom, and shut the door. A sigh of relief came out of her mouth as she locked the door behind her. She turned on the shower, dropped the sheet to the floor, and shimmied behind the curtain. 

Today was Tuesday. Everyone had the day off today. It would be their last day off for a while. The rest of this week was booked and busy. She had to show up every morning to do makeup for the guys. On certain days, she had to attend interviews with them. She swore that she heard someone mention something about a quick music video shoot. 

Grabbing the purple bottle of shampoo, she let a dollop of it fall into her hand. She realized how sore her whole body was as she began scrubbing it into her scalp. She wasn't sure how long she was in handcuffs last night. Her wrists ached because Changbin had tightened them a bit too much. Although it had hurt, she secretly enjoyed it. 

She rinsed out the woodsy smelling soap and reached for the matching conditioner. Since the dorms had two bathrooms, the guys split them in half. This bathroom was split between Chan and Changbin. The two of them had some of their things scattered all over the top of the sink. 

Lennon had slowly gotten used to it. She hadn't realized how much she disliked clutter until she began staying in their dorm. It was everywhere and as much as she disliked it, it wasn't her place to dictate how the guys lived. Besides, they had survived this long together already. They had found a system that worked for them. 

She rinsed the conditioner from her hair and followed with body wash. She struggled to slather on the cold liquid. Having to bend down to lather her legs and feet nearly killed her. She felt like she had been split in two. 

After a few minutes, she finally turned off the water and stepped out of the tub. The bathroom mirror was covered in steam from the humidity. Not paying attention to it, she dried herself off with a towel from the closet and forced herself into an oversized white t-shirt and a pair of black baggy sweatpants. 

She tossed the sheet and towel into a laundry basket in the hamper and went back to Changbin's room. He had moved to the middle of the bed. His arms were sprawled out above his head. She couldn't help, but chuckle at the sight of him. She scooped up their clothes from last night, tossed them into his laundry hamper, and grabbed her phone. Leaving the room again, she sent a quick text message to Lee Know. 

Hey, are you awake?

If anyone was awake, it was probably him. Since living in the dorms, she had found out about everyone's small habits. Apparently, Lee Know would wake up early and go for early morning strolls. 

She turned her phone on vibrate and made her way back into the kitchen. Trying to distract herself from sore muscles, she hummed a song beneath her breath. She pulled open the fridge and began looking at everything inside of it. Her phone vibrated in her pocket. She pulled it out and quickly read it. 

Yeah. Everything okay? 

Yep! Just wanted to know if you guys have any plans for breakfast. I know you're usually the one that makes it, so I thought I'd ask.

Haven't thought about it yet, why?

If I make everyone breakfast, can you gather everyone up and bring them back to Binnie's dorm?

Ew. Never call Changbin that again in front of me. Ever. But yes, I'll bring them over when you're finished. Do you need help?

I'm sorry, it just slipped out. No thank you. I'll let you know when it's ready :)

She slid her phone back into her pocket and went over to wash her hands. All together, that made nine of them. Humming beneath her breath again, she dried her hands, and went back to the fridge. 

Thank god 3racha bought so much protein. 

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