Chapter Thirty-Eight

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*TRIGGER WARNING: chapter contains brief mentions of physical assault/sexual harassment*

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Since she was the makeup artist, Lennon got the chance to stay backstage at their concert. Song after song, she bounced around backstage. When they sang a slower song, she slowly swayed back and forth to the beat. She loved everything about it.

One of the other staff members had given her a pair of orange ear plugs to place in her ears. She had them in, but she could still hear the members. Fans screamed in the crowd and waved around homemade signs. Light sticks flickered and the stage lights were so bright, they were nearly blinding.

She hadn't been the one on stage, she hadn't been the one singing or dancing, but she loved everything about it. From the fans screaming and smiles to the band screwing around with each other and singing their hearts out, it was hard not to pick up on the excitement.

After the members took their final bow, the members hurried backstage. They greeted her with tired smiles and sweat dripping down their faces. "You guys did such a great job!" She complimented them. "Seriously, that was amazing!"

Chan let out a small laugh, "we're glad you liked it. Now, come on. We've got to get back to the hotel, so we can shower."

"I'm so tired, I don't think I can walk." Han threw an arm around Lennon's shoulders.

She immediately gagged and shook off his arm. "Stay off of me, you stink!"

"I do not and I'll prove it!" Han lifted up his arm and took a whiff of his under arm. His nose scrunched up as he squeezed his eyes shut. "Okay, maybe I do."

A few of the members chuckled.

"I'll meet you guys out by the cars. I've got to go back and get my makeup stuff. I'll be there as quickly as I can." Lennon turned around and hurried back to the makeup room.

She twisted and turned through the winding corridor. They had performed in an arena and it was bigger than she could have ever imagined. She had been to concerts before, but never backstage. She never had to worry about getting lost in the process.

She made a left turn down an empty hallway. Not knowing exactly which way to go, she thought she was going the right way. The echo of her black combat boots bounced off the empty halls. Feeling a little spooked, she quickened her pace.

Every hallway looked the same. The gray cement flooring and white brick walls were no help. Heavy steel doors were closed without labels on them. She cursed herself under her breath. She should have taken her makeup supplies with her before she went to watch the boys on stage. The door she was looking for had a paper taped onto it that was labeled 'makeup.'

Her eyes darted from door to door. Bright white fluorescent lights lit up the hallway. They dangled above her head evenly letting her see what was ahead. Every now and then, she came across a small trash can. Pieces of wood, from what she assumed to be some type of stage set, were laid up against the section of a wall.

Brought to an intersection, she opted to turn right. The sound of splashing behind her caused her to freeze. She slowly turned around. Towards the end of the opposite hall, a man stood over a murky yellow mop bucket. He continued to plunge the mop into the bucket.

Her shoulders slumped in relief. She started towards his direction. He worked here, so he'd be able to tell her where she needed to go. Hearing her footsteps, the man glanced up at her. He wore a navy colored jumpsuit. Blond hair poked out in every direction on his head. With one hand still holding his mop, he placed another on his hip.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone in these halls?" The man's smile didn't quite meet his eyes. Wrinkles lined his forehead. "Did ya need something?"

At once, the hairs prickled on the back of her neck. Feeling insecure in her shortened plaid skirt and tight black shirt, she crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm the makeup artist that came with the band that performed here tonight. I was trying to find the makeup room and I seem to be a little lost. Can you point me in the right direction?"

The man dropped the mop from his hand. It clattered loudly against the side of the mop bucket, causing Lennon to jump. He took a few steps closer towards her. "I'd love to help you find it."

Her brain screamed at her to run. Turn around and sprint back through the empty halls screaming. Yell at the top of her lungs and beg for help. Someone, somewhere, would be able to hear her. At least, she hoped.

Snapped back into reality, she took a step back. The man chuckled and took another step towards her. "Don't worry, I don't bite."

She felt like she was caught in a trap. If she turned and ran, what was stopping him from grabbing her arm? He was taller than her, he'd easily be able to overpower her. If they were alone as she thought, nobody would hear her, she'd have to fend for herself.

"I should really go. The band is waiting for me and I don't want to keep them waiting. You know how impatient some people are." She took another step back.

"Wait!" The man reached out and grabbed her wrist.

Her eyes widened in fear and her breath caught in her lungs. Still too afraid to move, she didn't dare move back anymore. With his fingers still locked around her wrist, all she could think of was her dad. The involuntary movement of her body as he yanked the shoulder of her shirt yelling at her. She tried to focus on the situation in front of her, but it was hard when all she could do was remember the past.

"I don't think they'll miss you too much. Girls take a lot of time playing around in their makeup. I'm sure they'll understand if you stay here for a few minutes and talk to me." He reached out with his other hand and grabbed a strand of her hair. "You have very pretty hair." He twirled it around one of his fingers.

"Let go of me," her voice came out in a whisper.

"What did you say?" The man leaned in closer to her. "Can you say that again?"

Even though nothing had happened, she felt dirty. Like she needed to go back to the hotel room and shower with scalding water. She needed to scrub every inch of her skin raw. If she scrubbed hard enough, perhaps she could scrub away his touch.

His warm breath reached her neck. She tried to take a deep breath through her nose. His breath smelled spicy, like he had been chewing cinnamon gum. She opened her mouth to speak, but someone else did it for her.

"She told you to get the fuck off of her."

The man dropped her arm at once. He glanced behind her to see a man that he didn't know. "Does she belong to you?"

"She's my girlfriend and unless you want to be reported to the police and fired from your job, I suggest you never touch another person without their consent ever again." An arm found its way around Lennon's waist. Changbin pulled her closer to him. He was well aware that she was slightly shaking.

"Next time, you should be more careful," the janitor warned. "You never know who you'll encounter when you're alone. The world isn't always nice to pretty girls."

Feeling a bit brave, Lennon glanced up to see him looking at her. His blue eyes had darkened. She leaned further into the safety of Changbin. He tightened his muscular arm around her. He dropped his voice as he spoke into her ear, "are you alright?"

"I'm fine, let's go," she mumbled back.

The two of them turned around and headed back the way Lennon came. Changbin knew exactly where they were headed. They didn't say a word as they walked further and further away from the janitor. Without thinking, she turned around to glance over her shoulder.

The janitor stood watching them. He hadn't picked up his mop, he hadn't moved, he just stood in silence. Lennon turned back around to face the front. Another shiver worked its way down her spine. Goosebumps inched their way across her arms.

She felt his eyes bore into their backs until they were out of sight.

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