Chapter Nineteen

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Out of all the places Lennon expected to find Changbin, she didn't expect him to be beating the shit out of animatronic moles. As soon as one popped up out of the hole, he whacked it with a black padded hammer. She approached him with her hands in her pockets. 

"Changbin, can we talk?" 

He made extra effort to whack the next mole extra hard. "Did you finally get tired of being a whore?" He kept his eyes on the game in front of him. 

"Excuse me?" 

"Cuddling with Han and Hyunjin this morning, hugging Felix a few minutes ago, Han wrapping his arm around you, did it get boring?" 

"I don't understand what your problem is. Is it because I beat your stupid Pac-Man score? I'm not whoring around! We're just friends and how do you know Han, Hyunjin, and I were on the couch last night?" 

"Our dorm rooms aren't that far away from each other. I came over to ask Han a question only to find you with your head buried in his chest. Usually, he stays up late." 

"I don't even remember agreeing to it. Besides, we're all just friends. I don't understand why you can't untwist your dick and get over it. It's none of your business what I do with them. Are you jealous or something?" 

A loud thwack caused her to jump. She swallowed hard as he glared down at her. He moved his head closer to her ear. She could feel his hot breath on her neck. "I'd never be jealous of a whore. I thought I told you to stop bothering me. Why can't you listen?" Goosebumps prickled over her arms. 

Anger washed over her immediately. Her hands balled into fists in her pockets. "I thought I should let you know that the rest of the guys were going on the bumper cars. They're probably still waiting for you." She turned around and started walking away from him. 

She wanted to turn around and start screaming at him. She knew how much publicity Stray Kids had. She'd surely be fired if she started screaming at one of the members in public. JYP would be pissed. Although she hated Changbin, she liked the other guys. They made the job bearable. 

"Where are you going, Princess?" Changbin called after her. 

Lennon rolled her eyes and turned back around to face him. "Don't call me that! I'm leaving! Go have fun with the rest of your friends, I'm going home." She spun back around and moved towards the front door. She had to get out of the building before one of the members came looking for her. 

Changbin was left alone staring at the Whack-A-Mole game. Beating his Pac-Man score had pissed him off immensely. He had spent hours fighting for first place and she beat it her first time at the arcade. He called her Princess to piss her off. There was something so amusing about seeing her all upset. 

Hands balled into fists at her sides. Furrowed eyebrows with her eyes narrowed at him. She looked like she was ready to combust and he found it funny. She was shorter than him by a few inches, so she looked like a pouting child. 

"Binnie!" Han's voice came from his side. "There you are, we've been looking for you! Everyone's been getting impatient and Lennon said she was going to try to find you, but we've been waiting almost ten minutes."

"I'm coming, Lennon went home." 

"What? What do you mean she went home?" Han's smile dropped from his face. "What did you do?"

"Nothing! She got mad at me and walked out." 

"Changbin, she doesn't live in this area! She came here with us and sh-" 

"Would you relax? She's probably being dramatic. She'll realize she has no way home and she'll come back and find us." 

"I should go and fi-" 

"Leave her alone. Come on, let's go to the bumper cars. I'm going to beat your ass when we get there." 


"She'll be fine. She's a grown twenty-something year old woman. We're not responsible for her hormonal changes, Hannie. Let her go, she'll come back, they always do." 

Han glanced towards the front of the building and frowned. Him and Lennon had been having a great time. He couldn't imagine her leaving the building without telling anyone unless she had a valid excuse. 

"Cheer up, I'll buy you lunch," Changbin offered. 


"If you stop looking like I just murdered your dog, yeah." 

"Are you sure she'll come back?" 

"I'm a hundred percent positive. She struggles with anxiety, right? I'm sure the crowd was too much for her, so she left to take a breather." 

"I thought you said she was mad at you." 

"Yeah, that too." 

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