Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Three days after the hurricane, things had gone back to normal. The band played their two shows in Florida and Lennon did their makeup. The only difference was Changbin and Lennon's relationship. The fiery angry explosive temper had disappeared. 

Every time he was around Lennon, he melted. The two of them were often caught hanging out with each other before and after the concerts. Hands 'accidentally' brushed by each other's bodies, they were attached at the hip. During the hurricane, Changbin slipped into Lennon's room after she woke up. He ordered them room service and they just talked. 

They talked about their hopes and their dreams. No matter how big or how small, they talked about it all. When Lennon got whipped cream on her lip, Changbin slid his thumb across the smooth skin. Her cheeks went scarlet and he apologized, but at that moment, it hit him. 

With the rain hammering the roof, the roar of the wind, branches flinging out of trees, and lawn ornaments whipping along the gray skies. He loved the way her legs tangled with his that night. An arm flung across his body and she squirmed closer to him until her head was pressed into his chest. He wished it was like that every night. 

He loved the way she woke up and shoved her messy hair out of her face. The way she rubbed the remaining sleep out of her eyes with the palms of her hands. When that was over, her face had scrunched up with a large yawn. He loved the way he could see all of her teeth. The moment she realized it, she turned red. He loved being able to cause her to get embarrassed and make her heart beat faster. 

Between the previous night and that morning, he decided he'd do whatever it took to make her happy. There would be no snappy comments and the raising of his voice. Every touch would be gentle and full of love. 

In some ways, he was utterly terrified. Everybody was damaged in some way, shape, or form, but Lennon was different. Lennon was like a piece of fine china that had been shattered over and over again. Pieces had been glued together again and again. Still broken, she was forced to try and mend herself back together. She remained cracked and always on the verge of breaking again. 

Between the bites of pancakes and fresh fruit, between the stolen glances and blushing, he silently vowed to himself that he'd turn into her number one supporter. He promised himself that he was going to do whatever it took to make her happy. More smiles and laughter over tears and sobs. He'd do whatever it took, even if it killed him. 

"Changbin, are you coming?" 

Snapped out of his thoughts, he glanced up. Lennon stood on the first step of the bus. The Florida sun had remade an appearance two days after the dreary weather. The sun caused water from over-sized puddles to return back to the white puffy clouds. Seagulls went back to searching for food. People picked up the sticks out of their yard and life went on. 

A grin sat on her sun soaked face. His breath caught in his chest and he swore his lungs were going to give out. "Let's get the good seats before we're stuck on the floor! Are you coming?" She repeated herself. 

"Of course! Sorry, I got distracted." 

He followed her up the stairs of the bus. Blindly, she reached back and grabbed his hand. She led the way through the tour bus and to the table. Their management had decided that they might as well keep the bus since flights were backed up from the hurricane. 

With Changbin by her side, her anxiety about being in a vehicle seemed to almost completely disappear. Too focused on him and lost in his eyes, she wasn't worried about all the what-ifs that used to consume her. "Do you want to play a game to pass the time?" 

"What type of game?" 

She shrugged, "twenty-one questions? The guys can play it too."

"The guys and I basically know everything about each other." 

"I'm sure that's not true. People grow and change over time. You might figure out something that you've never known before." She slid into the side of the booth seat. 

Changbin sat on the other side. "We all know everything about each other. There are no secrets when it comes to the eight of us. Let's play something else instead." 

"What do you propose?" Lennon placed her elbows on the table and put her chin in her hands. Her black eye had slowly started fading away. It was healed up enough that she could cover it with makeup instead of wearing an eye patch." 

"I spy." 

"You're so childish." 

"And you love it," Changbin responded smugly. 

A smile slowly grew across Lennon's face. She couldn't deny it, she did love it. She enjoyed getting to know the softer side of him. The side that Felix had insisted was always there. The side that Hana told her that would appear eventually, just give it time. 

Changbin's eyes scanned Lennon's face. He wished he could have frozen the moment in time. He wanted to take a photo, but the other members were starting to board the bus. The two of them hadn't told any of them about their relationship. They weren't dating, but they liked each other far more than just friends. 

"What are you doing?" Lennon lowered her voice as she spoke. 

"Capturing this memory in my brain. I think I'm going to store it with all my other good memories. On the days when I don't feel well, I'll reminisce and think about it. It'll make me feel a lot better when I'm having a bad day." 

As if reading his thoughts Lennon responded with, "take a photo, it'll last longer." 

"Screw it," he muttered. He moved to the side and whipped his phone out of his pocket. Clicking on the camera icon, he pointed the shutter at her. "Say cheese!" 

With her hands still holding her chin, Lennon slightly tilted her head to the left. "Cheese!" She grinned showing off both rows of teeth. The rays of sunshine lit up her face through the window she sat beside. 

Changbin quickly snapped the photo. He made sure it looked good before he locked his phone. "I'm glad the sun came out. Don't get me wrong, the rain is okay, but I really like the sun. I love the warm rays and I can always use the extra vitamin D." 

"Me too! I'm really glad it came out before we had to leave. It's a nice final memory of Florida, isn't it?" 

"It's perfect." 

Lennon turned to glance out the window. It had a panel of blinds covering it, but someone had opened them. The sunshine poured inside making her feel warm and cozy. The sensation caused her to smile. 

Unfortunately, sunshine and blue skies don't last forever. 

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