Chapter Ninety-Two

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The anger that shot through Changbin was hot and scalding. He watched the video over and over again. The frown on Lennon's face at the end of the video stuck in his head. For once, Hyunjin was right. He should have comforted Lennon no matter how much she begged him to leave. 

After watching the video, the boys blew up her phone. Hoping that if they texted enough and filled the phone with calls, she'd call them back. I.N had explained the situation to everyone. Their once stagnant sleep had turned into a panic frenzy. 

Chan had gone into the kitchen to get away from everyone. He was on his phone with the head of the human resource team for JYP Entertainment. Even though nobody was supposed to be working today, Chan had her personal cell phone number. 

When everyone filled out paperwork to be hired, they had to hand over their addresses. Although they didn't know where Lennon lived, the head of the human resources department did. After five minutes of explaining the situation, she texted him Lennon's full address. 

He thanked her, apologized for bothering her on her day off, and hung up the phone. Grabbing Changbin, the two of them flew out towards Chan's car. They didn't know what they were going to experience when they got there. 

If Lennon didn't answer the door, they were going to have to break in. They knew she lived in an apartment, but they had no idea who owned it. Worst case scenario, they'd have to pay to replace a window. It was a small price to pay as long as Lennon was safe. 

Back at Lennon's apartment, she had fallen asleep on her couch. Her pelvis was twisted one way while her arms were twisted the other way. She had been laying that way for hours, so it felt like her spine was permanently twisted. 

When she shifted to move, everything ached. She let out a hiss of pain while trying to straighten her spine. Her mouth was as dry as the Sahara Desert and a dull aching filled her stomach. She didn't know when the last time was when she had eaten or drank something. 

A cloud of misery still hung over her. That small movement reminded her how exhausted she still was. With heavy eyes, sleep lured her back into dreamland. Feeling so lost, there were no dreams when she was in this state. Nothing could save her from the pit of darkness. 

Twenty minutes later, Changbin exited Chan's car and hurried towards the door. The two of them were sure that this was Lennon's apartment. Her black Mini Cooper was in the driveway. Changbin always used to make fun of her for it because it was such a small car. 

Bang! Bang! Bang!

His knocking was loud, but it wasn't enough to penetrate Lennon's dreamless sleep. Twisting the door knob, it was locked. Raising his arm, he tried knocking again. It had been a lot louder this time. While he was waiting, Chan approached him from behind. 

Anxiety gnawed in his stomach. He had to fight off the urge to bang onto the door and not stop until it opened. He tried once more, but there wasn't a response. The curtains still remained drawn. There was no sound coming from the inside. It was a deadly silence. 

Behind him, Chan called Lennon's number and gently nudged Changbin out of the way. He placed his ear up against the door. His phone rang and rang, but Lennon never picked up. 

"Her phone is either muted or it's dead." 

"No shit Sherlock!" Changbin snapped. Again, he reached up and pounded on the door. 

"Could you relax for a minute? Let's think about this logically." 

"She could be dead, Chan!" 

"Let's see if she has an open window." 

Changbin huffed and walked around testing the windows around the apartment. Chan walked in the other direction. They jerked and pushed on the windows, hoping that one of them would budge. Changbin sent a silent prayer as he reached the last one. 

With a quiet pop, the glass panel slid open. 

"I found one!" He called over to Chan. "I'll unlock the door and let you in." 

The window was low enough, he could easily pull himself in. He shoved the green curtain away to look inside the room. The faucet of the kitchen sink posed a simple challenge. Reaching in to grab the edge of the counter, he yanked himself inside. His hip bumped into the pointed faucet handle. He let out a yelp from the shock. 

In the living room, Lennon stirred upon hearing a large thump. A soft groan came from the kitchen. Her eyes shot open at once. Fear trickled down her spine. Someone had found her address. Someone had snuck into her apartment. 

She swallowed the fear and stayed still. Maybe if she pretended to be asleep, they wouldn't harm her. They could steal whatever they pleased and leave. If they forced her to get up, she'd give them anything. 

Footsteps came closer to her. Panic built up in her chest. She bit down on the inside of her lip and tried to slow her breathing. 


She didn't dare open her eyes, no matter how much she wanted to, she couldn't. Whoever it was, they knew her name. It was probably one of the fans. A crazy fan had gotten into her apartment and they were going to kill her. 


The footsteps approached closer to the couch. 

In an instant, Lennon's eyes shot open. Without a sound, her fist swung. Changbin's mouth twisted in pain. A distraught squeak forced its way out of his mouth. He collapsed to his knees at once. 

"What the fuck, Changbin?" 

She had accidentally punched her ex-lover right in the crotch. 

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