Chapter Nine

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After six hours of giving everyone constant makeup touch-ups, a painstakingly long silent treatment from Changbin, and a quick lunch, Lennon was finally free to go home. She packed away all of her makeup and placed it in the rolling case that she traveled around with. 

The band had disappeared and she was left alone in the makeup room. She hummed quietly to herself while putting the brushes away. She'd have to be back early Monday morning. The band had a variety of music videos. They were going to spend a few more days filming, so they didn't have to worry about them. 


She glanced over to see Chan standing in the doorway. She didn't want to talk to him. Chances are, Changbin had probably told him how their talk went. It was the last thing she wanted to do, but she spoke anyway. "Hey, what's up?" 

"Changbin told me that your talk didn't go so well. I'm really sorry, I thought that if you two got together somewhere, you could work it out." 

She shrugged, "it's not your fault. Sometimes people don't get along and it's whatever. I know you mean well, but it is what it is." 

"He's not like that normally, I swear. He's been having a rough time since Hana went into labor." He scratched the back of his neck. 

"Were the two of them close or something? He told me that it seemed like everyone had forgotten about her." 

"Changbin has been through a lot of things in his life. He had a crush on Hana, but he quickly got over it. She was engaged when she started working here. Eventually, she ended up married and then pregnant. His crush for her faded over time, but they grew to be really close friends." 

"I'm not trying to take her place, I swear. I was hired to do a job and I'm trying to do my best. I didn't mean to make him feel like..." her voice faded off. 

"It's not your fault. You're doing a great job as a makeup artist. With all due respect, you could never replace Hana. We all still deeply care about her, but she just had a kid. Before she considers coming back to work, she needs to focus on her family. It's probably going to take Changbin some time before he gets used to everything." 

"I figured." 

"Really though, besides Changbin, the guys really like you. If you're up for it, maybe we could all hang out this weekend. There's an arcade downtown that we go to sometimes. Changbin will be there, but I'm sure he'll probably find something to entertain him. Just because he doesn't like you, it doesn't mean the rest of us don't want to get to know you." 

"Are you sure? I don't want to cause waves between everyone and Changbin." 

"We're used to him and his shenanigans. We've been a band for years, this isn't new for him. Please come hang out with us." Chan flashed her puppy dog eyes. 

"I don't know..." 

"Please! You don't have to talk to him, I swear!" 

"I suppose, if you really want me to." 

"Nothing would make me happier." 

She let out a chuckle. "Do you want my number, so you can text me the location and the time? Or I could take your number, whatever is better." 

Chan pulled out his phone and opened his contacts. "I'm ready whenever you are. Would Saturday afternoon work for you?" 

Lennon recited her number and placed the last brush in her case. "Saturday would be fine. I don't really do much on the weekends, so I'm free whenever." 

"Okay, I've got to get back to the studio. Han is attempting to come up with new lyrics for a song. I'm sure he'll start looking for me if I don't come back soon." 

"Of course, have a good weekend! I'll see you on Saturday." 

He saluted her before he turned back to the door and left the room. 

She caught a glimpse of herself in the vanity mirror. Was she going to regret this? Should she have agreed to this? Nerves built up in her stomach. She shook her head and pulled her gaze away from the mirror. Whatever was going to happen, it'd happen. 

She already agreed to go, she couldn't take it back.

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