Chapter Forty-Seven

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Lennon was shaken awake by Chan. They had all somehow managed to sleep through the eight hour trip. Chan blamed it on traveling. The band was so busy with everything that it was rare for them and their staff members to properly get the sleep they all needed. 

Forcing themselves off the bus, Tampa, Florida greeted them with humid air. There wasn't much of a breeze and the temperature was over eighty degrees Fahrenheit. The bus had pulled up in front of a hotel and this was where they'd be residing for the next few days. 

"I forgot how hot Florida is." Hyunjin had already been prepared for the weather. He pulled a can of spray-able sunscreen out of his backpack, closed his eyes, and started spraying it all over his face. He fanned himself a few times before slipping on a pair of black sunglasses. "Does anyone want some?"

Lennon's fingers worked quickly pulling her hair to the back of her head. She wrapped the hair tie from her wrist around the hair to place it in a ponytail. It'd be easier to deal with the hot weather and blinding sun with the hair off her neck. 

"Alright, I just spoke to our manager." Chan came to greet the group. "We can check in and then we're free to do whatever. Since our ride took so long, there won't be a concert tonight. We have one tomorrow night along with an afternoon soundcheck. What do you guys want to do?"  

"Isn't this where we stayed last year?" Felix asked. "They have a beach behind the hotel, right? We can hang out there for a while. I've really missed Australia recently and this kind of reminds me of home." 

"Yeah, let's go to the beach!" Han bounced up and down on his feet beside Lennon. "Lennon can go with us! It'll be so fun! We can swim and make sandcastles and look for seashells!" 

"Not me, I'm going to tan." Hyunjin looked at his arm. "I've been looking a bit paler than normal. We've been so busy inside, I haven't had time to go out to get some sun." 

"I don't have to go if you guys don't want me to," Lennon spoke up. "I'm sure I can find something to entertain me." 

"Don't be dumb, you can come along. Let's get our luggage and check in. We're all wasting our time standing here. We don't always get free time, so let's make it count!" Lee Know started towards the back of the bus. Their manager had already started unpacking. "Don't make me say it again!" 

After gathering their luggage, checking into the hotel, and changing, the band met up in the lobby. Lennon had changed out of her jeans and long sleeve shirt. She shimmied into a simple black pair of shorts and a plain olive green t-shirt. She didn't have anything to swim in and she didn't plan to swim because she didn't know how. 

"Aren't you excited?" Han beamed. "I'm so excited, we're going to see the ocean! Have you ever seen the ocean? It's so beautiful! I think I might love Florida." 

Lennon couldn't help, but let out a chuckle. "No, I've never seen the ocean. This is actually my first time. I've never seen the ocean and I've never been to Florida." 

"You're going to love it!" 

Everyone started moving towards the doors of the hotel lobby. Lennon followed them with Han hot on her tail. He continued going on and on about Florida. Apparently, the band had performed here the year before. They had been to Florida three times, but last year was their first time in Tampa. 

They followed a simple sidewalk out and around the building. Where the sidewalk ended, the sand started. A large open section of desaturated yellow sand spread out as far as their eyes could see. Bright blue waves lapped at it across the way. Seagulls shrieked overhead. 

There were already quite a few people who had set up their spots on the beach. Blankets and towels had been rolled out. Some people were stretched out soaking up the sun. One woman had brought a beach chair. She stretched out and flipped through a chapter book. Other people were already in the water. 

"What do you think?" Han asked. 

"It's beautiful!" 

"I knew you'd like it." 

Chan led the group down away from the people. He didn't want them to be bothered by anyone. Fans knew they were coming to Florida, but they didn't know where they were staying. There were multiple hotels in Tampa. If someone figured out where they were staying, they'd be forced to stay at the hotel to avoid being mobbed. 

After going down so far, he stopped and laid out a blanket. "Okay, I think this is good enough. We should be away from people. Go do whatever you're going to do." 

I.N, Seungmin, and Felix took off towards the water. Lee Know and Hyunjin slowly started going after them. "Are you coming?" Han turned to Lennon. 

"No, you can go ahead. I don't know how to swim and I'm not the biggest fan of water. I don't want to accidentally end up drowning." 

"I can teach you!" 

Lennon rapidly shook her head, "that's okay. Go have fun with your friends. I'll be here waiting for you when you get back." 

"Changbin, let's play chicken!" Han hurried towards Changbin who was caught up in a conversation with Chan. "I want to make Seungmin pay for last time!" 

Changbin hurried after him leaving Chan and Lennon alone. "You're not going to swim?" Chan asked. 

"No, not today. I kind of just want to soak in the sun and relax. It's been a while since I've last been to a beach." 

"Do you mind watching our stuff?" 

"Not at all. Go ahead and have some fun." A blurred structure further down the way caught her eye. "Before you go, do you know what that is?" She pointed at it . 

"That is a beach bar. They make a bunch of drinks for people. We'll probably all go there in a little bit." 

"Chan! Come play chicken with us, you're missing out!" Felix yelled at him from the water.

 "Come join us in the water if you want to, okay?" 

"I will." 

Chan turned and hurried towards the water. Lennon kept her eyes off Changbin. He must have noticed because he kept glancing at her as time went on. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach every time it happened. 

Thank god for beach bars; they're perfect for drinking all your troubles away. 

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