Author's Note

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If you've made it here, this is where this story comes to an end. This story has blown up because of you. I've never had a story get this much attention and it feels pretty amazing. I see your votes and your comments and every single one of them helps fuel my fire. So thank you for supporting this story!!

And a special thank you to those of you who have been voting and reading my chapters almost right after I upload them. I've been trying to steadily update this story nearly every day and to think that some of you see the update notification and take the time to read it almost instantly, that's insane. It blows my mind. 

I wrote this story during the span of over three months and this story has around 130,000 words in it. If you've made it this far, you should be patting yourself on the back. This story was kind of a roller coaster. Although it is over and that's depressing, I have more exciting news. For some of you, the train stops here. You might not continue on to the next story. If you want to know what's coming, please continue reading. 

There was one chapter where I mentioned there would be another story. There will always be another story with me. I don't think I'll ever stop writing. When one door closes, another opens. 

Introducing N0 B0DY, N0 CRIM3: A mafia thriller where eight men are out and about causing mayhem in the United States. It's election year in the United States of America, in the latest election news, one of the potential presidential candidates vows that if he's elected, he'll rid America of Stray Kids. No more schemes, no more upheavals, no more behind the scenes madness, especially for the rich.  

(I know some of you are probably wondering why it takes place in the United States. I'm American and I have no idea of how South Korea's political world works. If you don't know about politics in the United States, that's fine. You don't need to know much. For this story, all you need to know is there is a fictional president that runs the country and he's a bad guy. Plus, he has a daughter and a wife and they live in the white house. It's just a big fancy white colored house where the president and their family stay.) 

Bang Chan, leader and the star of the story, knows this won't happen. With the powerful position he's in, there's no way this man will get elected, right? Not with all the connections he has. When things go wrong, after the newly elected president's wife dies, his daughter goes missing; the fingers are immediately pointed to Stray Kids.

But Chan has something to say to that. 

"Dear Mr. President, no body, no crime." 

Not enough to sway you to read it? Also contains: 

*Bang Chan as a mafia boss with childhood trauma (he loves being petty)

*Felix as his right hand man who is absolutely unhinged as a mix between the joker/the mad hatter 

*Changbin who plays with weapons and is an incredibly talented sniper 

*Lee Know as an undercover spy who keeps them all from starving to death 

*Han as an undercover spy who shockingly hasn't blown his cover...yet 

*Hyunjin who paints pretty pictures, sells them, and plays with money laundering in his free time

*Seungmin constantly hacking into shit to expose people

*I.N, who has a passion for fashion, and loves to blow shit up 

*The president's daughter, who was kidnapped against her will, and somehow manages to fall for the cold mafia boss who is incapable of showing even a spark of warmth

Angst? Action? Excitement? Explosions? Threats? Vandalism? Violence? Romance? 

They will all be there and personally my favorite part: there will be no happily ever after.

So with that being said, this story comes out on June 22nd. If you follow my profile, I think you'll automatically be alerted with a notification. I don't know what time. If you want to read it, keep an eye on my profile that day. Once it's out, I'll send out a notification with the upload schedule for it. 

If you'd like to stay up to date with me until then, here are the most active social media accounts you can find me at: 

Twitter: (Lies_labyrinth) I'm most active here tweeting about the most random things. 

Tumblr: (lieslab) I write Stray Kids drabbles here and repost a variety of things. 

And this one is new but Tik Tok (lies_lab) where I'll be posting poorly made trailers for N0 B0DY, N0 CRIM3. I need you to take all the expectations you have for high quality edits and lower them drastically because as much as I wish I had amazing editing skills, I do not. I just like the idea of creating hype because when I do that, it also helps get me excited and motivated to write more. 

So again, thank you for reading, stick around for the next story if you wish. If you don't, that's fine, it's not everyone's cup of tea. You all better be taking care of yourselves. Eat your food and drink your water or else. 

Until the next story, 

<3 Lie 

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