Chapter Thirty-Five

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It was hot; way too hot for comfort. Lennon's cheek was pressed into something warm. Something laid on the back of her head. She slowly opened her eyes trying to figure out where she was. She became too aware that her body was slowly rising. She held her breath before her body lowered again.

She slowly moved her head up. Changbin's hand slightly slid off the back of her head. Her eyes widened at the sight of Changbin sleeping in front of her. Everything came crashing back to her at once. The bitterness that had slowly leaked out of Changbin before it tapered off. He had admitted that he liked her and then confronted her about her own feelings for him. 

They ended their conversation with a kiss. At least, Changbin did, but she had kissed him back. She studied his face for a moment. Thick black eyelashes hung over his closed eyes. Up close, his skin was a smooth porcelain. He didn't have any makeup on and, even without it, he was flawless. 

His lips were pressed together in a slight pout. His dark eyebrows, that always seemed to be furrowed, were smoothed out. There wasn't a hint of displeasure on his face. She realized she was moving from the rhythm of his soft breaths. 

Contentedly, she let out a sigh and gently laid back on his chest. Someone had uncuffed the two of them. Changbin must have realized this at some point. One of his hands had been resting on the back of Lennon's head. It slid down to the back of her neck when she tilted her head up. The other one had been placed in the middle of her back. 

Her arms had fallen off of him and she didn't bother to move them. She laid with her arms limp on the bed. Sweat clung to the back of her neck, but she didn't dare move too much. She didn't want to wake Changbin up. At least, not yet. 

She didn't know what time it was. Han must have still had her phone. Obviously, someone came into the room, at some point, to take off their handcuffs. They would have realized something was up between the two of them. Since when did her and Changbin get along, let alone touch each other? 

Lennon pushed all her worries back down. She closed her eyes and let herself be lulled back to sleep by the steady heartbeat of Changbin. Shockingly, she wasn't angry with him at the moment. She wished she could keep this moment frozen in time and keep it that way. 

Three doors down, Chan was eating his breakfast and lecturing two younger members of the band. He spoke through mouthfuls of food. It took a half hour before the rest of the band had shown back up with Chan, Lennon, and Changbin's breakfast in tow. 

Before they arrived, Chan had quietly snuck back into Changbin's room and uncuffed him and Lennon. The two of them slept through the whole thing. He slipped the metal cuffs into his back pocket and waited for Felix and Han to show up in his hotel room. 

Lee Know walked behind the two men with his arms folded. He was also disappointed in their actions. Plus, he shared the hotel room with Chan. He had given Chan his breakfast and pulled himself up beside him on his bed. He sat unamused with a frown on his face. 

Felix and Han perched themselves on the opposite bed. They hung their heads and took their lecture from Chan in silence. They looked like two children being scolded by their parents. 

"What you two did earlier, that was incredibly childish. Not only did you cuff Lennon and Changbin together, when you knew they hadn't been getting along, but you took their phones too. What would have happened if there was a medical emergency? They wouldn't have been able to do anything." 

"We didn't even consider something like that happening," Felix muttered. 

"Like I said, it was childish and reckless. We know Changbin, but Lennon doesn't know him that well. You left her locked beside someone she hated. You specifically," Chan narrowed his eyes at Han, "you were there yesterday in the car. You knew what happened between Lennon and Changbin and yet you still decided this was a good idea." 

 "I just thought that maybe this could get them closer together," Han's voice came out quietly. "I thought that maybe if we put them together, maybe they'd be able to sort things out. What other choice did they have?" 

Felix picked his head up. "Wait, what happened yesterday in the car?" 

"Nothing that concerns you. Did the two of you consider the possibility of a fire occurring? They would have been roasted to death. Handcuffed to each other and the bed, unable to do anything, but scream. You two should be ashamed of yourselves. I'm very disappointed with the two of you." 

"Clearly, we weren't thinking that far ahead," Han started. 

"It won't happen again. We're both really sorry. We didn't mean to cause anyone harm," Felix added. 

Chan held up his hand in front of him. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. You need to apologize to the two of them when they wake up. You can apologize and give them their breakfast that you didn't give them the opportunity to have properly." 

"Were they still fighting?" Felix held his breath waiting for a response. 

Chan held up a finger and moved, so he could grab his phone from his back pocket. He entered his pass code and went to his gallery. Before he uncuffed the two of them, he had taken a photo of them. How could he not? The two of them hadn't gotten along in weeks and suddenly they were curled up with each other. He held the phone out to face Han and Felix. 

"Are you fucking serious?" Felix's eyes gleamed. 

Han's mouth dropped open, "you're joking!" 

A small grin started to appear on Chan's face. "I'm still disappointed in you and I never want you to do something idiotic like this ever again. However, apparently, it did work." 

Lee Know reached over and grabbed the phone out of Chan's hand. He zoomed into the photo unable to believe what he was seeing. "How do you think this happened? They couldn't even make eye contact with each other yesterday." 

Chan shrugged, "I guess only time will tell." 

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