Chapter Fifty

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Changbin paced back and forth in front of him and Chan's beds. The group had spent another hour at the beach before grabbing a drink and heading back to their rooms. That's when they realized Lennon was missing. Chan said he was going to go check on her and he came back to everyone freaking out. 

They had been looking for a half hour. They split into groups of two and took off trying to find her. Two groups went looking on the beach and the other two started searching the hotel. How far could one girl get while she was drunk? 

"What if she was kidnapped? Oh my god, what if she was murdered? I'm freaking the fuck out!" 

"You're not helping!" Chan snapped. 

"Did she say where she might go?" 

"Just back to the hotel! She had three shots of vodka and she's never drank before, but she seemed fine. I thought she might have been lying about never drinking before because she seemed normal. I fucked up, I fucked up big time. I'm never going to forgive myself if this ends badly. Fuck!" Chan tugged at the ends of his hair. "Our manager is going to kill me." 

A ping from Changbin's phone caused him to pull it out of his back pocket. He held his breath hoping that it was one of the boys announcing that they found Lennon. His shoulders dropped at Hana's notification. He asked her if she knew where Lennon was earlier and she was clueless. 

"Did they find her?" Chan asked. 

"No, it's just Hana." 

"Oh for fucks sakes!" 

Changbin clicked on the message to view it. 

'I'm currently talking to Lennon on the phone so I cannot call you. She called me and said she's at some bar in the middle of town and she doesn't know what it's called. Apparently, there are tikis in the front window. She's plastered in the girls' bathroom sobbing because you broke her heart, you asshole. Please go get her and make things right. I'm really worried about her and I'm trying to calm her down, but it's not working.'

"Hana found her!" His shoulder slumped in relief. "She's at some bar on the phone with Hana." 

"Where? We need to go get her." 

"No, I'll go get her. I kind of created this situation myself. I knew what I was doing when I was letting the fan touch me. I was trying to make her jealous, but I didn't think it'd end like this." 

"Are you serious?" Chan's jaw dropped. "That's such an asshole move!" 

"I know, but I really like her Chan! She's wonderful, but she said we should just be friends because of JYP. I thought that maybe I could make her jealous and she'd come to her senses. I didn't think it'd end with her getting drunk in a random bar. JYP can go fuck himself." 


"No, I really truly like her! I like the way I feel around her. She makes me feel giddy and super happy. Earlier when we fell asleep on the bus, I got mad at Han. He knows I like her and yet he keeps touching her. I'm so afraid that she'll develop feelings for him or someone else. I'm terrified that she'll find someone that she's capable of dating outside of JYP's reach. Someone that she thinks is better than me." 

"Why don't you just talk to JYP?" 

"He'll fire her! We both know that he can't fire me. Not now, not when the band is doing so well. He wouldn't dare drop a member and risk ruining where we are. We're one of his top money makers." 

"Are you sure you should get her? What if she doesn't want to see you?" 

"Then I'll call you and you can come get her. We're wasting time. I've got to get an uber and try to figure out where the bar is." 

"Don't do anything stupid," Chan warned him. 

"I might be an asshole, but I'm not brainless, you dumbass! I can't imagine taking advantage of anyone when they're drunk. I've got to go." He hurried towards the door. "Text the others and let them know I'm going to go get her. There's no point in having them continue searching." 

"Text me when you find her." 

"Don't worry, I will."

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