Chapter One-Hundred and Eleven

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Changbin blinked a few times before the realization of what happened hit him. His brows furrowed and his lips pursed together in a pout. "Where did you go?" He walked back towards the hallway. Annoyance flooded through him at once. "Ha, ha, very funny. You can come out now." 

Every dorm room door had been opened up. Glancing into every dorm room, she wasn't there. Even the closet that held the washer and dryer had its doors propped open. Both bathroom doors were also opened. Where the fuck did she go? 

"I'm going to find you and you're going to regret running away from me," he taunted. 

He pushed the door open to Hyunjin's bedroom further and stepped inside. A large pile of clothes were tossed on the floor. Pieces of his art had been placed on the cream colored walls. Not wanting to waste time, Changbin walked over to his closet, and yanked the door open. The only thing there was a bunch of clothes on hangers. He stepped out of Hyunjin's room and closed the door behind him. 

"My patience is running out. Where the fuck are you?" 

He stepped into Han's room and repeated the process. By the time he was finished, he slammed the door shut, causing the walls to rattle. Sexual frustration was beginning to build up. "Do you know what's going to happen when I find you?" 

He stepped into the bathroom and ripped the shower curtain back to reveal an empty tub. Cursing beneath his breath, he walked over, and opened the closet door. Black towels and rags sat perched on the closet shelf. He closed it and turned around to leave the room. 

"I don't like being teased, princess. Do you know what happens when you tease me? I always find a way to get revenge, so I'm giving you one last chance to come out. We can forget this whole thing happened and I can make you forget all your worries. Don't you want to feel good?" 

His dick hardened against his jeans at the mere thought of her. Salty tears dribbling down her cheeks, eyes rolling back into her head, the way she whined his name as he pumped her full of pleasure. She was always so vocal and he prided himself on that. 

"One." He walked into Chan's room to resume his search. After not finding her, he slammed the door shut and headed towards the bathroom. 

"Two." He flung the second shower curtain to the side. He huffed with anger as he threw it shut again. Pulling open the closet, he held his breath. If she wasn't there, that only left one place for her to be. Disappointment struck him like lightning. 

He closed the bathroom door and made his way to his bedroom. Once he was inside of it, he slammed the bedroom door shut. Beneath his bed, Lennon quietly placed a hand over her mouth and pressed her lips together. She tried to breathe through her nose as quietly as possible. 

"Three," he finally spoke. "I know you're in here, princess, I'm not dumb." 

Without thinking she slid her hand from her mouth. "I never said you were, but it was heavily implied considering how long it took you to get here." Her eyes widened and she slapped her hand over her mouth realizing what she just did. 

"Oh, you've decided to be a brat tonight, hmm? Well, aren't I the luckiest man alive? Get out here and put that mouth of yours to good use." 

"Why don't you make me?" 

She watched in horror as Changbin's feet came towards the bed. She inched herself backwards, so he couldn't reach her. Right when she thought she was safe, a hand grabbed her foot. With a yelp, she was jerked from beneath the bed. 

Her shirt rode up from the friction of the carpet. She was forced from her stomach onto her back. The quick movement knocked with wind from her lungs. Her body left the floor and was heaved onto Changbin's bed. She bounced a few times before he quickly straddled her. 

"You think you're so funny, hmm? You like being a tease, doll? You think it's funny to get me all wound up like this? Just wait," he ripped the black muscle t-shirt from his body. 

She laid beneath him with her jaw dropped. His desk light didn't provide much light, but the little it did, she couldn't breathe. His stomach was chiseled with abs. She reached her arm up to touch him. 

He laughed as he grabbed her wrist with his hands. "I don't think I gave you permission to touch me. Close your mouth before you catch flies, princess." 

Inside of her skull, Lennon's brain turned to mush. Out of all the things she was expecting to happen after dinner, this wasn't one of them. She hadn't even considered that the two of them would be intimate. 

"Let's make sure you can't touch me." 


He reached into his back pocket. All she could see was a flash of metal in the dim light. Before she could grasp the severity of the situation, metal encapsulated her wrists. "Wait, what are you doi-" 

"You trust me, right?" 

Her mouth felt like sandpaper. Heat built up in her core. All she could do was nod at him. 

"I need your words, princess. We can stop whenever you wish, but do you trust me?" 

"Yes, yes, always. I'll always trust you." 


With a few movements, the handcuffs were pulled above her head. Changbin hooked them over his wooden bed post. No matter how much Lennon wanted to move, she couldn't. She was trapped with wrists bound above her head. 

And the only one who could free her, the only one with a key, was staring at her like she was a five course meal. 

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