Chapter Forty-Eight

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Nobody said it, but everyone knew the two girls that had shown up were fans. They could pretend they weren't as much as they wanted to, but it was easy to see through their lies. The one kept following Felix around like a lost puppy dog. She wouldn't give him a break. 

The other one was all over Changbin and the worst part was that he was allowing it. It seemed like he was loving every moment of it. The girl kept splashing him with water. Their laughter filled the air as he splashed her back. At one point, she reached out and placed a hand on his bicep. 

Jealousy left a bitter taste in Lennon's mouth. It shouldn't have bothered her, but it did. Even if Changbin and her had agreed to be friends, he knew she liked him. All she could do was avert her attention elsewhere. Hyunjin had come back to lounge in the sun. 

He had been silently lying next to her for the past five minutes with his eyes closed. He must have fallen asleep, so she was left to her own devices. Her excitement about seeing the ocean had faded away. It had lapped away with the foamy white waves.

When the girl placed her hand on Changbin's chest and he didn't push it away, something inside of her snapped. She forced herself to stand up and walk in the direction of the beach bar. It'd be better than seeing the guy she liked being intimately touched by a stranger. 

She was angry with the girl and with Changbin. More importantly, she was angry at herself. She was angry for liking a man who had been nothing, but a dick to her when they first met. She was angry because he called her names. She was angry because she chased love, she craved it. He said he liked her and then he let someone else touch him. Changbin could go fuck himself. 

The beach bar was a large stand made out of bamboo. Tables were scattered around with chairs and umbrellas covering them from the sweltering sun. A bartender stood behind a counter creating a drink. Lennon sat down on a stool in front of the counter. There weren't that many people around. 

"I'll be with you in a minute hun, let me fix this drink." 

Lennon nodded and took out her phone. Her and Hana had been texting back and forth over the past few days. She sent her a quick 'I hate men' text and placed her phone back into her pocket. The bartender handed the drink she was making to a man and turned to Lennon. 

"What can I get started for you?" 

"What drink can get you drunk the fastest?" 

"I've got vodka." 

"I'll take three shots." 

The blonde woman narrowed her eyes at Lennon. "Are you sure? You look a little young to be drinking." 

Lennon ripped her wallet out of her pocket and took out her ID. "I'm allowed to drink, I'm twenty-two." She handed the card over to the woman. 

She inspected it before she gave it back to Lennon. "Sorry, I just had to make sure. You'd be shocked at how many kids will try to get served with fake IDs. Straight vodka?" 

Lennon nodded. 

"You must be having an awful day." 

"You have no idea."

"Trouble in paradise?" The woman took out three shot glasses and sat them in front of Lennon. She took out a bottle of clear vodka and neatly poured each drink. 

"How'd you know?" 

"Because that guy that's approaching the bar looks like he's heading towards you and that must mean he knows you."

Lennon turned around in her seat to see Chan walking towards her. She groaned and spun back around in her seat. She didn't need to be lectured by him. She took one of the shots and drank it. Her face scrunched in disgust. The liquid burned all the way down her throat. She had never had alcohol before, let alone straight vodka. She instantly started coughing and sputtering.

Without thinking, Chan's hand shot out and he started patting her on the back. The burning sensation caused tears to well up in her eyes. After clearing her throat, she thanked him. 

"Can I get you anything?" The bartender asked him. 

"Can I get a bottle of water?" 

"Coming right up." She ducked down behind the bar and came back up with a bottle of water in her hands. "Here you go, let me know if you need anything else." 

"Thanks." Chan instantly slid the water over to Lennon. "I thought you said you didn't drink." 

"When did I say that?" 

"When we were talking the other night." 

She shrugged, "I don't remember such a thing." She quickly took the second shot and downed it. It still burned going down, but she knew what she was expecting. "Must have slipped my mind." 

"Why are you drinking?" 

"Why does it matter?" 

"Because you watched your dad develop an alcohol addiction and you swore off alcohol." 

Lennon froze while reaching out for her third shot. Did she tell him that? She thought she had kept that to herself. She racked her brain trying to remember before she shrugged again. "I guess people change." 

"Is it because of Changbin?" 

"Why would it be because of him? Drinking because of a man? Sounds stupid." She downed the third shot with her eyes squeezed shut. 

"We know you two like each other. It's not hard to see the way you two look at each other and put two and two together." 

"Why aren't you with your friends? Besides, I'm sure your fans are missing you right now. You should go back and hang out with them. Maybe if you're lucky, they'll start touching you too." 

"So this is about Changbin?" 

The alcohol was definitely starting to take effect. Lennon shook her head and glanced over at the bartender. She was wiping up the counter with a towel. "Excuse me ma'am, can I pay for my drinks?" 

"Yeah, no problem." She dropped the towel and came over. She pressed a few buttons on the cash register before announcing the total. Before Lennon could take out her wallet, Chan was already handing the woman his debit card. 

"You don't have to pay for me, I can get it," Lennon insisted. 

"Let me pay for it, it's the least I can do." 

"I'm going back to the hotel." 

"Let me walk back with you and I-" 

"No! Chan, I need some time to relax. I'm just going back into the hotel, you don't need to parent me. I'll be fine, it's right around the corner. Go back and enjoy the beach. I'll text you when I'm in my room." 

"Are you sure?" 

Lennon forced herself to smile knowing that she had an entirely different plan up her sleeve. "Of course, I am. I'll see you guys later." 

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