Chapter Ninety-Three

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"Did you find her?" Chan's voice came through the opened kitchen window. 

Changbin couldn't respond. He was still on the ground, clutching his dick, and groaning in misery. Angrily, Lennon stormed over to the door and flung it open. Chan turned his head to see her standing in the open door frame. A scowl sat on her face and it didn't take her long for her arms to cross over her chest. 

"Hey," Chan shot her a meek smile. "I'm glad to see that you're still alive." 

"Get in here!" 

On the living room floor, Changbin's dreams for future children vanished. Even laying down, Lennon had packed a powerful punch. He didn't know how he was going to stand up, let alone make his way back to the dorm rooms. 

Chan entered Lennon's apartment. "Why is Changbin on the floor?" 

She slammed the front door shut in response. "I punched him because I thought he was a crazy fan. What the fuck are you two doing? Why did you break into my apartment?" 

Chan glanced over at Changbin for help, but he couldn't respond. His eyes were squeezed shut in pain. He was too busy trying not to throw up. 

"We saw the video of what happened backstage." 


All of the anger and the fight that Lennon once had completely dissolved. She did briefly remember seeing one of the girls with a cell phone. She had never considered that the whole thing might have been filmed. 

"So it's everywhere?" 

Chan nodded. 

She walked over to the couch and let her body fall onto it. "That's just fucking perfect. Why did the two of you try to sneak in?" 

"You wouldn't answer your phone or the door. We tried to knock, but we thought that maybe you were..." 

"I was sleeping." 

"It's been like fo-" Changbin hissed as he pulled himself to his knees. "It's been like fourteen hours since we got home and you're still in the clothes you were in at the airport." 

Chan glanced down at Lennon. She was still in the same hoodie and pair of jeans. "Have you had anything to eat?" 

She shook her head. 

"Please tell me you've, at least, been drinking something." 

Her shoulders slumped as she sank down into the couch. Changbin's shaking hand found a home on her knee. "Why don't you come stay with us for a while?" 

"I told you I'm going to quit my job and I'm fine. I was just jet lagged and trying to catch up from traveling." 

"You can't quit your job, you signed a contract." 

The realization caused Lennon to jerk her head up, "shit." 

"You're stuck with us." 

Chan cleared his throat, "I'm going to head back to the car. Whenever you two are done, I'll be right outside waiting." He turned and left the apartment without another word. 

"I thought I told you to leave me alone," Lennon said. "I'm not your responsibility and I'm not your girlfriend either. Go back to the dorm rooms with Chan. I'm fine." 

"You're a horrible liar. We both know the sleeping excuse was bullshit. You might have been sleeping at some point, but we both know you didn't spend fourteen hours sleeping." 

"Get out of my apartment." 

Changbin hauled himself to his feet with his dick still throbbing. "You're going with Chan and I back to our dorm rooms." 

"No, I'm not." 

"Yes you are! You're all alone here and you're miserable. You haven't ate, you haven't had anything to drink, you're just rotting here in your misery!" 

"And why do you care?" Lennon's voice raised. "You broke into my apartment, so what makes you think you can come in here and boss me around? We're not dating each other anymore. Get the fuck out!" 


"Fuck you, Changbin!" 

"You're not fooling anyone. I know you feel miserable. I know you feel worthless and you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. It's not easy to live life when so many people are against you." 

Tears of frustration trickled down Lennon's cheeks. She was upset because he was right. She had done nothing since she got home, but mope. Drifting in and out of a dreamless sleep. Pondering upon ways she could do better. Wondering what the future held after she had planned to quit her job. She was exhausted. 

"I know we broke up, but I still love you. I still care about you so much. We don't have to get back together, we don't have to do anything, but please," his voice cracked. "Please, just let me take care of you. I can't live with myself knowing that you're miserable here." 

Her lip quivered. Snot started to trail down her nose and mixed with her tears. She had never felt so emotionally vulnerable with someone before. 

"So just come back with me to the dorm, would you? The guys are worried sick. I.N saw the video backstage and woke us up by banging on a pot and pan. He was so afraid that you would harm yourself or worse. Let us take care of you." 

Lennon pushed her lips together trying to hide the smile that threatened to break onto her face. "I think you're just trying to guilt-trip me." 

"Is it working?" 

She nodded her head. 

"Come on," he reached his hand out towards her. "Let's go get some food." 

"But the fans..." she trailed off. 

"My first priority is you right now. We'll deal with them and my management later, okay?" 

Gathering the last bit of will power she had, she grabbed his open hand. 

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