Chapter Five

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"Lennon!" Felix's cheery voice pulled her out of her internal pity party. 

She glanced up and gave him a soft smile. "Hey, what's up? How was your interview?" 

"It was long and boring. Honestly, it really sucked and I never want to do anything like that ever again. Some of the interviewers are such jerks! Sometimes they forget we're a whole band. They only ask questions directed towards specific members and it's frustrating. We wouldn't be where we are today without all eight of us pulling our weight." 

"I'm sorry," she apologized. "You guys all deserve recognition. From what I've seen, you guys do a lot for yourselves. From the music production, to the dances, to the song writing, you're all talented in your own different ways, they should recognize that." 

"I wish you would have been the interviewer, you would have made it fun." 

She shook her head, "probably not. Interviewing isn't my thing, I'm not really good with people. I like doing my own things with makeup." 

"That's fair. Anyway, I came over here to ask you if you wanted to come with us for lunch. We're going out to a restaurant and we were all kind of close with our last makeup artist. Not that you're her or anything, but you'll be doing our makeup every morning or any time we need it done. Some of the guys were hoping you could come, so we can get to know you better." 

Lennon's eyes drifted across the room. Changbin was sitting beside Chan. The two of them were talking about something. Changbin must have felt her staring because it didn't take him long to glance up. He shot her a glare and she quickly glanced back down to the floor. 

"I don't think that's a good idea. I would really like to, I swear, but I don't think all of your friends like me. Maybe some other time this week or something." 

Felix glanced over his shoulder. He took in the sight of some of his friends. They were all scattered throughout their dressing room. Chan and Changbin were talking to each other in two chairs. Hyunjin and Lee Know were screwing around on a couch. The rest of them had disappeared to change back into their normal clothes. 

"Did something happen earlier?" A frown filled his face. 

"I don't know. I know part of the reason, but I don't know everything. Changbin, I think that's his name, he came into the makeup room earlier. I don't know what he was upset about, but I accidentally made it worse. I finished his makeup and spilled the iced Americano everywhere. He stormed out of the room and was really pissed." 

"I guess that explains why he had to change into a different shirt. Don't worry about him. Changbin is a pretty cool guy, but he has an issue with anger. He's having a bad day and, unfortunately, he took it out on you. I can talk to him and I-" 

"No!" Lennon's eyes widened in horror. "God, I don't even know if he told anyone it was me that spilled the coffee on him. I don't want you to confront him and make everything worse. He's just having a bad day and everyone does. I'm sure we'll do better tomorrow." 

"Are you sure?" 

"Of course. Just let him have his temper tantrum or whatever he's going through. I'm sure he'll lose the attitude later today. Whatever happened this morning, it must have been rough because jeez. I was afraid he was always going to be angry." 

Felix's hair moved as he shook his head. "He's usually pretty laid back and calm. I'm sorry you had to experience it on your first day. I guess that iced Americano was a bad idea. i didn't mean to make your day worse." 

"It's not your fault. If he's as decent as you're describing him, he'll come around." She pulled her phone out of her pocket and glanced at the time. "As much as I'd love to stay and chat, I've got to get going. JYP wants to see me in his office." 

"The big dog wants to see you? Are you going to get fired on your first day?" Han's voice came from behind her. "What did you do?" He had changed out of his jeans and into a pair of sweatpants. 

"Nothing, I'm sure he just wants to ask about my first day." 

"Keep telling yourself that," Changbin muttered. 

"What?" Lennon's head snapped towards him. 

"Nothing," he spat. "Don't keep the man waiting. If you piss him off, he's bound to take it out on us. Stop screwing around and get out of here!" 

Lennon bit her tongue and kept her rude comeback to herself. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, have a good lunch." She ignored the mumbled replies and hurried out of the room. 

Once the door was shut behind her, Felix spun around to face Changbin. "What the fuck is your problem, mate? You've been nothing, but pissed all morning. This is her first day and you're going to make her quit!" 

"Would that be such a bad thing?" He shot back. 

"Enough! What's going on with you?" Chan stood up from his chair and folded his hands over his chest. "You were rude to us this morning, you were rude to the interviewer, and now you're being rude to Lennon. What's going on in that thick noggin' of yours?" He reached out with a fist to knock on Changbin's head, but Changbin shoved his arm away. 

"I don't want to talk about it, just leave me alone." He shoved himself out of his chair and headed to the door. 

"What about lunch?" Hyunjin spoke up from the couch.

"Just eat without me!" He flung the door open and left the room without another word. 

"Seriously, what's his problem?" Han asked. "Did we do something to him or something?" 

"This is just how he is," Felix shrugged. "He'll come around, we just have to give him time." 

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