Chapter Forty-Five

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"We're taking a tour bus?" Lennon stood in front of a large black bus. Gray streaks wrapped around the sides. She clutched the handle of her suitcase so hard that her fingers turned white. "I thought we would be going back to the airport." 

After finishing applying makeup to the band last night and watching soundcheck, Lennon sat in the makeup room during the concert. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that the eye patch would bring up too many questions. She decided to stay out of sight as much as she could. 

Everyone went back to the hotel exhausted. They had to be on the road by seven in the morning. They had all gotten up early, but Lennon got up earlier to apply makeup to everyone. She thought they were going to be taking a plane. Clearly, she couldn't have been more wrong. 

"Well, usually we would be. Unfortunately, they didn't have any flights available for this specific day, so we're taking the bus. Are you okay? You look a little nervous." Felix glanced over at Lennon. 

She realized that he didn't know about her mom's car accident. If Chan hadn't told anyone, he was the only person that knew. She didn't want to worry the rest of the members. Having him worry was already bad enough. 

"Yeah, I just get a little motion sickness sometimes when I'm in a car for a few hours. I guess I'm worried that the same thing will happen with the bus. It's not a big deal, I'll get over it." 

"Maybe the guys and I can distract you. We're pretty good about helping distract people. Usually, we play games and try to keep ourselves entertained. If nothing else works, maybe you can try to take a nap. I think Chan said it'll be eight hours. Let me take your luggage for you." 

Lennon gave him her suitcase and her makeup kit. She had already done everyone's makeup, so she wouldn't have to worry about redoing it. She watched him take it around the side of the bus. They all needed their makeup done in case they were spotted by fans. However their manager wanted her to keep Chan's knuckles and Changbin's face hidden from the fandom. Twitter blowing up with Stays worrying was the last thing they needed. 

"Hey, are you going to be okay?" Chan came up from behind her. "I know you probably won't like this, but there was nothing else we could do. I really tried to have our management get a flight, but they couldn't; I'm really sorry." 

"It's not your fault, you don't have to apologize. I'm sure I'll be fine." 

"I haven't told any of the boys about your mom's car accident. I haven't even told Changbin. I didn't know if you wanted him to know or not. I told him about your dad and I know I shouldn't have. I just couldn't stand him treating you like that and I-" 

"Chan," Lennon turned around to face him. "I get it, I really do. You don't have to apologize for telling Changbin about my dad. I get where you were coming from." 

"I thought you were going to be mad at me." 

"As long as you don't do anything like two days ago, I don't think I can be mad at you." 

He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "Well, thanks. You can get on the bus when you're ready. Half of the guys are already on it. I'm trying to round up the rest of them. We've been doing this for a while, you'd think they'd learn how to be on time." 

She laughed as he walked back towards the hotel. She glanced back at the bus and took a deep breath. A door up towards the front had been slid open. Stairs led up into the inside of the vehicle. She slowly started towards them and went up inside of it. 

Upon entering, a seat sat in the left corner. A large steering wheel was mended into the vehicle's dashboard for the driver. Black leather couches had been pushed to the sides of the bus. Black and white patterned pillows adorned them. The further she walked in, the more she could see. 

In one part, a small black stove sat with wooden cupboards above it. A stainless steel mini fridge had been built into one of the walls. Further down, two booth seats sat with a large table built in between them. In the back of the bus, there were multiple bunks with black curtains lining the openings. A built-in bathroom with a stand up shower sat off to the side. 

She couldn't help, but look at it with awe. She had never been inside a tour bus. This had been her first time doing something like this. 

"Do you like it?" Lee Know's voice came from behind her. 

"I think I might love it. I thought we were going to be sitting in seats like a normal bus. I didn't think there'd be anything like this" 

He let out a laugh and spun around to the mini fridge. "Would you like anything to eat or drink? The staff filled the fridge with all of our favorites." 

"Are you serious?" 

He opened the fridge, shuffled around, and held out a cheese stick towards her. She took it and thanked him. Before she could open it, Hyunjin stomped onto the bus with a black backpack slung onto his back. He stood on top of the stairs and threw his head back with a groan. 

He glanced over at Lee Know and Lennon. "Does this thing have beds?" 

Lee Know pointed to the back of the bus.

"Thank fuck! I'm so tired and I need my beauty sleep. Everyone always wants to do things so early. How am I supposed to be the visual of this group with dark purple bags beneath my eyes?" 

"That's what Lennon is for." 

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and started towards them. "Could the two of you please move? I'm about ready to fall asleep standing up. I'm so tired!" 

Lennon and Lee Know parted to let him through. He grumbled beneath his breath as he continued towards the back of the bus. He dropped the backpack from his shoulder and let it hit the floor with a thunk. Hands to his hips, he glanced around trying to decide which bed he wanted. 

Without warning, the black curtains hiding two beds were pulled back. A loud "boo!" caused Hyunjin to jump ten feet into the air. Seungmin and I.N giggled in the beds they were laying on. Hyunjin sat with his face in his hands on the floor. Lennon was trying not to laugh. 

"What are you doing down there?" Lee Know called back to him. 

Hyunjin lifted up his head. "Did you not see what they just did? They scared the shit out of me! Oh my god, I nearly had a heart attack!" 

This only caused Seungmin and I.N to glance over at each other and laugh louder. All Lee Know could do was shake his head. "These kids, I swear," he mumbled under his breath. "I'll be back, I'm going to go find everyone else."

After he left, Lennon started to laugh out loud. Hyunjin had curled up into a ball on the floor with his arms crossed over his chest. His lips were stuck out in a pout. 

"Are you okay down there?" I.N leaned over the bed and asked. 

"Screw you guys, I hate you!" 

This only caused the three of them to laugh louder.  

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