Chapter Seventy-One

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A/N: Hi homies, I'm in Chicago this weekend for a concert. I feel super refreshed and I've been trying to write as much as I can while I'm here. It's incredibly nice, if you live here, I'm super jealous. If you like this story, I have some exciting news. I've thought of the next fanfic I'm going to write after this one. We're more than halfway through this story believe it or not. We've got a bit to go, but it's almost finished. The next fanfic is centered around Chan and it will be a mafia story. (the comeback trailer did things to me) There will be more information about it at the end of this story. I've also just started posting to tumblr (lieslab) and I'm going to start writing little stray kids drabbles there. Enjoy these two chapters!!

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Changbin found himself bouncing on the balls of his feet while he waited for Lennon. Black dress pants were tight around his thighs. A black blazer hung over a simple white t-shirt. He had been waiting for Lennon for almost three minutes. 

Every minute that passed, it made his heart flutter more and more. What if she didn't show up? What if she hadn't seen the dress on her bed? What if she hadn't found the note? He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. 

He had spent hours planning this date. If it went wrong, it'd ruin everything. This was their last night in New York. He'd never be able to plan anything like this in Texas. He came up with this whole idea last night and if it didn't work out, he'd be destroyed. 

"Binnie?" Lennon's voice knocked him out of his thoughts. 

He reopened his eyes and glanced at her. All of a sudden, he couldn't breathe. Her hair, still curled from earlier, hung perfectly down her back. She hadn't removed her makeup, she had just changed her clothes. The black dress looked much better than he ever could have imagined. 

"Wow" was the only word he could get out. "You look stunning." His eyes scanned from her head to her feet. 

"You don't look too bad yourself. Where did you buy this from? It's a beautiful dress, but you didn't have to do that." 

"I know, but I wanted to and it looks gorgeous on you."

"At least, let me pay you back." 

"Finders, keepers." 

"I didn't find it on purpose, you literally put it on my bed." 

"Rules are rules, you know." 

She rolled her eyes with a playful smile. "Right, so why did you want to meet you by the elevator?" 

"That's a surprise." He held out an open arm to her. "May we?" 

"We may." She linked her arm through his and let him lead her towards the elevator. He pressed a button and she went on. "So am I allowed to get a hint?" 

"Hmm," he pinched the edge of his chin. "I think it's something that you'll only experience once. I highly doubt you've ever done it before." 

"Oh, really?" 

"Yep." He pressed a button from a silver panel on the wall. "I think this is something that's going to wow you and I hope you'll never forget it." 

"You seem incredibly cocky about this. What if I have done it before? It's going to crush your ego." 

The elevator doors slid open. Changbin unlinked his arm from Lennon's. He hung out an arm and took a slight bow, "after you, m'lady."

"Well, thank you." Lennon bowed back and stepped into the elevator. "What floor are we going to? The lobby, right?" 

"The roof." 

"Huh?" Lennon's mouth dropped open. "We can't go on the roof, it's closed off to us! You're not allowed on the roof unless you're considered a maintenance person or a hotel employee. What are you talking about?" 

"Tonight, we're going to the roof." He walked into the elevator and pressed the roof button. "Don't worry, I made sure to approve it with the hotel staff. They know we're going to be up there tonight." 

"What kind of date are you planning?" 

"Something truly unforgettable." 

"I don't like it when you beat around the bush. I hate surprises, why can't you just tell me?" 

"And spoil it before you get there? Take a deep breath and try to calm down, we're nearly there." 

Lennon found herself glancing at the floor. What was there to do on the roof? From what she understood, it was just plain cement. There might have been structures for the air conditioning and heating system, but that was all she knew. 

"Are you nervous?" Changbin spoke. 

"You're not going to push me off the roof and kill me, are you?" 

His eyebrows furrowed, "why would I do that?" 

She shrugged, "I guess that makes me worry a little less." 

The doors swung open and Lennon gasped at the sight in front of her. 

"Holy fucking shit." 

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