Chapter One-Hundred and Two

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A/N: I have looked over these next few chapters and I think they make sense. If they don't, I'm sorry. I'm currently withdrawing from medication and I feel like I'm losing my mind. I hope you enjoy?? <3

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Han turned the key to unlock the front door of his dorm. Behind him, Lennon stood with two paper bags full of food. Since the two had been out, a little color had come back into Lennon's face. Her laughter filled the air from one of Han's jokes. 

Han couldn't stop a grin from appearing on his face. Lennon looked a lot better when she was happy. He was glad that he could make her laugh. It was a lot better than the ear-piercing screams he had heard last night. 

He opened the door and stepped out of the way, so Lennon could walk inside. She didn't get very far before a body came hurling towards her. The air was sucked out of her lungs as arms squeezed around her. 

"Oh my god, you're okay, you're alive! Oh thank god! I thought something happened to you. I woke up and your side of the bed was gone. Hyunjin and Chan are asleep and I didn't want to wake them up. I tried texting your phone and I tried to text Han, but nobody was answering and I'm so happy you're okay." 

"Can't breathe." 

"Shit, sorry." Changbin unwrapped his arms from around her. 

The brown paper bags that she held were now wrinkled. The bags of produce inside of them had been misshaped and deformed. She took in a breath of fresh air. "I wasn't missing. Chan sent Han and I to go grocery shopping." 

"You didn't text or leave a note. Nobody told me, so I freaked out. I thought the worst thing had happened. I thought you left us and I thought that maybe Han had gone out looking for you." 

"Relax big guy, she's been with me the whole time. She's been dealing with me being a pain in her ass. Calm down, would you? We got ice cream." 

"Han got ice cream," Lennon corrected. 

"She stood by and watched it happen. She was involved in it too. She could have stopped me, but she didn't. She's just as guilty." 


"I'm kidding!" 

Changbin smiled as the two of them bickered back and forth. Lennon had placed her hair into two braids down her shoulders. Her cheeks were flushed with a daylily pink. The sight of her was nearly enough to move him to tears. She looked so much better than she had last night. 

"I should take your ice cream and return it. I should get a refund and put the money back on Chan's card." 

"You wouldn't dare do such a thing!" 

"You wanna bet?" 

"Too bad you won't follow through." Han pursed his lips into a pout. "You love me too much to do something like that. You know how fragile my heart is and you don't want to hurt my feelings, do you?" 

"I hate you." 

"I love you too." He leaned over and placed a fat slobbery kiss on her cheek. 


Changbin rolled his eyes at the two of them and grabbed the bags out of Lennon's hands. 

"Changbin, you're such a gentleman," Han commented. "Have the two of you gotten back together yet? You should." 

The light atmosphere seemed to dissolve around Lennon immediately. She turned around and headed towards the front door. "I'm going to go get some more groceries." Not waiting for a response, she hurried back out to the car. 

"Way to go," Changbin grumbled. "You ruined her happy mood." 

"I didn't mean to, but I meant it. Have the two of you gotten back together yet?" 

"No. We haven't talked about it and we haven't really had the time. Besides, who knows what management would do if we got back together." 

"Why don't you talk to JYP? I mean I'm sure he's pissed because the fans found out, but maybe if you explain the situation. Why should he get to dictate your happiness? Besides, the fans already know now. It's not like you can pretend the whole thing didn't happen." 

"I don't know. Maybe? Let's just focus on putting the groceries away and we'll talk about it later." 

In a few seconds, Lennon returned and placed more bags on the kitchen counter. 

"Lennie!" Han called out. 

She turned to face him. 

"Think fast!" 

Before she could react, he chucked a roll of paper towels at her face. They hit her directly in the eye. She let out a yelp and cupped her hand over it. 

"What the fuck, Han?" Changbin's voice rose. 

Han quickly darted out of the dorm and towards the car. 

"Are you alright?" Changbin asked. "Let me see it." He pulled her hand away from her eye. Not wanting to hurt her, he gently cupped her chin between his fingers and pulled her face up, so he could see it. 

Her right brown eye watered. Tears soaked the lower lash line. She blinked a few times trying to get rid of the irritation. The plastic from the roll had scraped up against the soft flesh. 

"It's alright, just a bit irritated. You can see me, right?" 


Without meaning to, her gaze lowered to his lips. She hadn't kissed him in so long, she missed his lips. Blush quickly rose to her cheeks. She moved away from him and glanced at the floor. "Thanks for making sure it was alright."

Internally, Changbin cursed himself. He should have kissed her right then and there. Han might have been an idiot, but he had set up the perfect moment for it to happen, and he let it slip through his fingers. 

Maybe Han was right, maybe he should talk to JYP. 

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