Chapter Seventy-Six

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"What is with you two?" Lee Know threw his head back with a groan. "It's too early for this!" 

Lennon tightened her grip around Changbin's shoulders. "Just because you're miserable, it doesn't mean the rest of us have to be miserable, right Lennon?" Changbin shifted and bounced beneath her to get a better grip on her. 

She let out a laugh and nodded. "Okay, you can put me down here. Does anyone know where Chan is? Changbin's been complaining that he's hungry and I'm afraid he's going to eat me." 

"Yeah, where's Chan? I'm starving!"  

Lee Know slumped over on the couch of the tour bus. "I don't know, he said he'd be back soon. All I know is that we're not going to leave without him." 

Lennon took a few steps forward trying to pretend that her body didn't hurt. She was still in a lot of pain from the previous night. Changbin had helped her stretch her legs before bed last night, but it didn't seem to do much for her lower body. 

"Lennon, why are you limping? What did you do?" 

Her face drained of color at the sound of Han's voice. He climbed up the stairs of the bus with a backpack on his back. She looked to Changbin for help, but he quickly hurried further into the bus to use the bathroom. 

"It's nothing," she started. 

Seungmin climbed up the bus steps behind him. "You fucking idiot, it's probably because she had sex with Changbin last night. We helped him plan that picnic and you don't think the two of them screwed? Use your brain for once." 

"Sex?" A loud screech of disgust came from the back of the bus. Small metal rings scraped against a bar. One of the red curtains covering a bed flung open. Hyunjin peaked his head out with a look of disgust. "Sex? Sex! We're talking about sex at this early in the morning? Ew!" 

"Grow up!" Seungmin called after him. "You're not sly, we know you've done it too." 

"I don't know what you're talking about! I am filth free thank you very much. I am a child of god." 

Lee Know's eyes flashed open. "Is that why I went over to your dorm once and heard you moaning a random girl's name?" 


"I need all of you to shut up, so I can go to sleep." 

"Well...moving on," Han changed the topic. "Where's I.N and Felix?" 

"They're back here sleeping. Keep it up and everyone is going to traumatize them too. They're babies and you're going to take away their innocence!" Hyunjin called back. 

"Changbin!" A voice called from outside. "Changbin!" Chan quickly appeared in the opening of the bus doors. His eyes met Lennon's at once. "Where's Changbin?" 

"He's in the bathroom, why?" 

"Have you been on social media?" 


"Please stay off of it. Changbin, hurry up!" Chan yelled. He entered the bus and plopped a bag of food onto Lee Know's stomach. "Here, you can pass these out." 

The bathroom door swung open. "What do you want?" 

"Come here!" 

Lennon's brows furrowed in confusion. Chan grabbed Changbin's wrist and yanked him outside the bus. She watched them through the bus windows. Chan ran his hands through his hair like he was frustrated about something. 

Seungmin and Han had made their way to the back of the bus. Lee Know was still laying down with the food on his lap. He had flashed Chan a thumbs up to acknowledge him, but once he left, he shut his eyes. 

Without a sound, she reached for her phone in her back pocket. Shuffling to the side, she made her way to the only table on the bus. She collapsed in one of the benches and hurried to check her social media accounts. She hadn't touched her phone since she took it off the charger this morning. 

She had glanced at her notifications earlier, but didn't think much of it. She had always had a lot more notifications now that she was working for the band. Some people had realized she was their makeup artist. She logged onto her phone and opened the Twitter app. 

Hundreds of notifications appeared by the notification bell. Her heart dropped in her chest as she clicked on one of them. Tears instantly filled her eyes. 

Who the fuck does this ugly bitch think she is stealing MY man?

Attached to the tweet was a photo of her on Changbin's back. 

"No, no, no, no," she mumbled to herself. 

She clicked on another notification where she was tagged in the tweet. 

I hope you fucking die. 

There were thousands. Tweet after tweet wishing her nothing, but the worst. Calling her ugly, calling her fat, telling her to kill herself. No wonder Chan had told her to stay off social media. Not every tweet was bad, but most of them were. 

She clicked the side button on her phone to turn it off. There was no doubt that JYP would see everything if he hadn't already. She blinked rapidly trying to keep her tears at bay. Everything was slipping through her fingers like sand. No more tours, no more doing the boys' makeup, no more Changbin, she was done. 

It was stupid, really. She knew how big the band was and she knew how crazy the fans could be. It was their own fault for being so careless about their relationship. Last night, they were tipsy from red wine and drunk on each other. With electrifying touches, soft kisses, skin to skin contact, and orgasms, who gave a shit about fans in the midst of that? 

She forced herself to stand up with sore legs. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Lee Know had sat up at some point. He sat on the edge of the couch staring straight at her. 

She shook her head and gave him a fake smile. The whites of her eyes had stained red. Salty tears were on the brink of falling. 

"Yeah, just peachy." 

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