Chapter One-Hundred and Ten

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A/N: This chapter is pretty short and if you're wondering why, it's because I like being a tease ;) Really though, the next chapters are going to be spicy and after the spice, it'll be almost over. Unfortunately, this story is going to be wrapped up and finished this week. So stay tuned, you're nearly to the end, and enjoy <3

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She was as radiant as the sun and as breath-taking as the moon. The pair had finished their meal rather quickly. At some point, Lennon had placed her elbow on the table. Her head fit into the palm of her hand like a missing puzzle piece. Long dark lashes stuck out against her skin. 

Her lips sat in a soft cupid's bow. She had pushed her hair back out of her face, so she wouldn't get food on it. Some strands were still pulled back behind her scalp. On one side, a strand of hair was tucked behind her ear. A glass bowl sat empty in front of her. All that remained was the smeared remnants of sesame oil. 

Changbin wished he could freeze this moment in time. Every small detail was perfect. The way the light reflected off her highlighted nose. The smell of cooked meat that still lingered in the air.  He wouldn't change a single thing. 

He was torn between wanting to get up to collect their dirty dishes and staying still and continuing to watch Lennon. It wasn't often that he had a chance to admire her like this. Deep down, he swore that the stars outside twinkled for her. 

She had picked the dining room chair that sat in front of the glass sliding door. The sky had been free of clouds all day and tonight was no different. They hung around the top of her head like a halo. Gleaming, shimmering, shining; every single one was for her. 

"How long are you going to keep staring at me?"

Lennon's voice made him jump. 

"Sorry, I was just..." Blush filled his cheeks as he trailed off. 

"Admiring me?" She opened her eyes. "That's okay, I like it." 

The two held eye contact for a few moments until Lennon cleared her throat. "We should probably clean these up." She pushed herself away from her chair and grabbed her dirty bowl. 

"I was going to get those." 

"Don't worry about it. You're done eating, right?" 


She scooped up his bowl and took it over to the sink. She rinsed them with water and grabbed a sponge. 

"Hey, don't worry about that!" 

"But I-" 

"No, come back here. We can wash those later. Do you know how long it's been since I've had peace and quiet without the guys around? I want to soak this moment up, so screw the dishes. They'll still be there in the morning." 

She turned off the water, dried her hands, and turned back to Changbin. "Okay, so now what?" 

"It's time for dessert." 

Her eyes lit up. "Are we having the ice cream that's in the freezer?" 


"Oh?" She couldn't hide the disappointment that she felt. "If we're not having ice cream, what's on the menu?" 



"You're on the menu." 

Lennon's breath caught in her throat. The atmosphere completely changed almost instantly. The sparkling admiration in Changbin's eyes had darkened. Puppy love had been overpowered by lust. 

"Well, it's hard to catch dessert when it has two legs." 


Before Changbin could get out another word, Lennon took off. Hurrying through the hallway and scampering away like a gazelle. The only thing Changbin could do was open his mouth in shock. 

What the fuck had just happened? 

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