Chapter Eight

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Lennon glanced around the empty hallway with a raised eyebrow. Chan said Changbin wanted to meet, but he wasn't anywhere in sight. He had said the hallway, right? An open door caught her eye. She took a few steps closer to it. 

Sure enough, Changbin was standing in the back of the room. His arms moved around like he was talking to himself. Lennon braced herself before she softly knocked a few times on the opened door. 

Changbin spun around to face her. She had been around him before, but she never had a chance to fully take him in. Changbin was a few inches taller than her. He was built like a brick wall. The stylist had put all of them in leather pants and Changbin was no different. 

He wore leather pants with a simple black shirt. A leather jacket had been placed over his shoulders. She could make out his arms through the jacket. Whatever concept they were using for the music video, it was dark. Everyone had been dressed in leather pants and some sort of black shirt. 

"Chan said you wanted to talk to me." 

His face had been void of any emotions, but his eyebrows quickly furrowed. "Yeah, it's not like I had a choice."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lennon took a few steps into the room. Her arms crossed over her chest. 

"What I mean is that JYP shouldn't have hired someone so careless!" 

"Excuse me?" Lennon's voice raised. "What the fuck are you talking about?" 

"You spilled coffee on my outfit and the stylist got pissed!" 

"I apologized!" 

"And then you broke my phone!" 

"And before I could offer to replace it or attempt to find a way to fix it, you took off! If you were just going to insult me, why the fuck did you want to speak to me?" 

"I didn't! Chan thinks that apologizing can fix everything. This wasn't my idea, this was his!" 

"Then why did you go along with it?" 

"I don't fucking know! I can't do this with you right now. We have a music video to film and I still have to get my makeup done and I-" Changbin shot her a glare. "You know what? Let's make it easier for everyone. Let's just not talk to each other. You can continue pretending to be friends with everyone and we can ignore each other." 

"Pretending to be friends with everyone? Is it a crime to get to know the members of your band? I just started this job yesterday!" 

"And you've already fucked up too many times." 

"What the fuck is your problem?" 

Changbin sucked in a deep breath. His face had started turning a dark red. "My problem is that JYP picked someone who's clearly careless about her work. You're a walking safety hazard and everyone is so nice to you. Everyone acts like Hana never existed!" 

"Is that your problem? You miss Hana so much that you're pissed because I took her job? News flash, no matter who JYP hired, they still would have replaced Hana. If you're so mad about everyone acting like she never existed, take it up with them! Don't take your anger out on me!" 

Changbin let out a huff, "I can't fucking deal with this right now." 

He angrily made his way towards Lennon. She stepped out of his way, but it didn't matter. His shoulder rammed into hers. She let out a yelp and grabbed her shoulder. He ignored her and continued out into the hallway. 

Tears quickly built up in her eyes. She took a deep breath and tried to blink them away. She stood in shock while staring at the empty office. What the fuck had just happened? 

She blinked a few more times before wiping away her tears. She didn't need to walk back in to see the rest of the band with tears in her eyes. It'd be bad for everyone. As much as she was pissed at Changbin, she didn't want to make it worse and make the other members pissed at him too. 

She turned and headed back towards the room with everyone. Upon opening the door, I.N was sitting on the makeup chair texting on his phone. Chan glanced up from a conversation with Felix. "Did everything go okay?" 

"Yeah," Lennon avoided his eyes. 

He frowned, but she didn't see it. She made her way over to I.N. "Are you the next one getting your makeup done?" 

"Yeah, I figured I would get it done and over with. I know it's necessary, but I hate it." 

A small smile appeared on Lennon's face. "I'll do it as fast as I can without messing it up." 

"Am I getting black eyeshadow too?" 


I.N leaned back his head and groaned. Lennon let out a laugh as she grabbed the makeup primer. At least, she seemed to have a good relationship with everyone else in the band. Having seven of the eight members like her wasn't terrible. 

It could have been much worse. 

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