Chapter One-Hundred and Fourteen

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The moment Lennon's hands were free from the handcuffs, she launched herself at Changbin. At some point while he was fingering her and teasing her, he took her panties and threw them on the floor. Once she was free and on top of him, she ripped off the baby blue shirt. 

All Changbin could do was lay beneath her in shock. Left in a lace pink bra, her fingers found the edge of his boxers. She pulled them down and adjusted herself, so she could slip them off without having to stop straddling him. She was afraid he might try something if she moved. 

"I don't think you'll be needing these anymore." She tossed the black and white checkered print to the floor. 

She was running on pure adrenaline. All she wanted to do was flop down beside him and fall asleep, but the hard length of Changbin's cock had other ideas. When was the next time that the two of them were going to have time to do something like this? 

She grabbed him in her right hand. He hissed at the cold touch of her fingers. For once, he was feeling sorry for how he groped her tits with his own cold hands earlier. Her thumb ran along the red swollen tip. Using his pre-cum, she slowly began stroking him. 

He threw his head back with a groan. "Stop teasing me!" 

"Oh, it's not so funny now, is it?" 

He reached towards her chest to try and take off her bra, but she pulled away. "I don't think so. Did I give you permission to do that?" 

"Lennon!" He huffed. 

She moved her hand and began stroking him faster. 

"Shit! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" 

She let go of him and moved up towards him. Her lips met his again. She trailed kisses along his jawline and down the side of his neck. His breath hitched as she began gently biting and sucking on the side of his neck. 

While he was distracted, she reached her hand out towards the night stand. He had placed the handcuffs to the side after he freed her from them. Trying not to alert him to what she was doing, she began biting down harder. 

"Where the fuck," Changbin struggled to speak, "where the fuck did you learn this?" 

She didn't bother responding. Once she grabbed the cuffs in her hand, she started at the bottom of his neck. Using her tongue, she licked all the way up to the side of his jaw. From there, she went to his untouched earlobe to nibble on it. After a few seconds, she kissed him again. She forced herself taller on her knees, so he had to tilt his head up to meet hers.

"Put your hands up," she mumbled through kisses. 


"Put your hands up, I want to try something." 

Too distracted to realize what she was doing, he didn't hesitate. The snap of metal handcuffs brought him back to his senses. Before he could realize what she was doing, she pushed his shoulders down. Caught off guard, he slid. His cuffed hands went over the wooden bedpost as he slid down. 

"What do you think you're doing, princess?" He asked with an amused grin. "Don't you know I could easily get out of these?" 

"But you're not going to because you want to see what I'll do." 

"Sweetheart, you know me so well, but I think you're spent."  

Without another word, Lennon reached down and ripped off her bra. She threw it behind her, not caring where it landed. The smirk on Changbin's face disappeared immediately from the shock of it all.

"I can go for one more round." 


"Don't you trust me?" 

"Of course, I do." 

She nodded and shoved hair out of her face. Not wanting to waste more time, she straddled herself over his cock. Using one hand, she slowly slid down onto him. He tilted his head back and cried out in pleasure. 

He was so large, Lennon swore she could feel him deep in her guts. She sat for a moment and tried to gather the courage to move. The exhaustion from earlier was starting to kick in. As if Changbin knew this, he said a single sentence that reignited her. 

"I knew you were too exhausted from me speaking in tongues to your pussy." 

She clenched her teeth together and began to roll her hips. Up and down, up and down, up and down. She was slow at first and then she began picking up speed. Beneath her, Changbin was close to unraveling already. He had been so excited from pleasuring her that it wasn't going to take much for him to finish. 

"Nearly giving up already?" She cocked her head to the side and batted her eyelashes. "I thought you could last longer." 

Instantly, Changbin snapped his hips up. She let out a gasp. He might not have been able to use his hands, but he was used to hip thrusting with weights. Lennon wasn't much different than a barbell. 

"Let me see those pretty tits bounce," he growled. 

Lennon continued moving. Bodies slick with sweat and skin-to-skin, it didn't take much. Lennon thought that she was going to rip in two from the intensity of it all. Even with his hands cuffed, Changbin had no mercy. 

"Harder!" She cried out as she moved on top of him quicker. 

Changbin grunted as he slammed his hips into her own. She let out a cry of pain, but she kept going. She wasn't going to stop and leave him without finishing. Without a word, she brought her hands up to her swollen nipples. Rolling the buds between her fingers, she moaned in pleasure. 

That's all it took before Changbin's body shook beneath her. It didn't take Lennon long to follow his lead. The two were panting like dogs and she feared that she might never walk again. 

"Wow" was the only word that Changbin could come up with to describe what happened. "You are something else." 

Lennon closed her eyes as she continued sitting on Changbin's dick. Her whole body was completely exhausted. She didn't know how much longer she was going to last before she passed out from it.

"Can you uncuff me?" Changbin asked. 

"Uh-huh." Lennon forced her eyes open and moved off of him. Between her legs, she was dripping fluid everywhere, but she was too tired to care. She quickly grabbed the key and unlocked Changbin's handcuffs. 

He engulfed her body in a hug. "Are you okay, baby girl? You look a little out of it." 

"I'm so tired." 

"That's okay. You can go ahead and go to sleep. I've got you, I'm right here." 

"But I-" 

"Shh, we'll get cleaned up in the morning, okay?" 


She let herself fall into his chest and closed her eyes. She was so exhausted that she didn't care that the two of them were naked. She didn't care that she was coated with sweat. She didn't care that she stained his black sheets. She didn't care about anything at all. 

"Thank you." 

"For what?" Changbin asked. He leaned to the side and grabbed a sheet to wrap around her naked body. He gently wrapped it around her shoulders and hugged her tightly again. 

"For everything." 

"Always, princess." He kissed the top of her head and began humming an unfamiliar melody. 

And with that, she let herself drift to sleep. 

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