Chapter Eighty-Eight

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Spending hours talking to a stranger did Lennon a lot of good. The two women, with an astounding age gap between them, talked about everything; from life, to love, to pointless celebrity gossip, they talked about it all. Teetering with laughter and gasping, slipping in questions when needed, it was like they had been friends forever. 

When the plane touched down and the two parted ways, Lennon couldn't help, but feel disappointed that she didn't get the woman's number. Her grandparents on both sides of her family were dead. Her parents were raised as only children. With her parents dead, she didn't have any remaining family that she knew of. 

Gripping her backpack straps tighter, she walked towards the band manager. Everyone was still in the process of scrambling to find their luggage. Lennon had already had hers and was ready to go. While the band screwed around with each other and waited around the baggage carousel, Lennon gripped the handles of her suitcase and makeup kit with white knuckles. 

She cleared her throat trying to gain the attention of their manager without giving away her identity to nearby people. She shoved the hood of her hoodie over her head. Sunglasses were perched back on her nose and a face mask covered the bottom half of her face. 

He smiled at her, "did you like the trip?" 

"It was great!" Her enthusiasm was fake, but he didn't seem to pick up on it. "I know I rode with you and the guys on the way here, but I won't be riding with you back to their dorms. I got a text message from my friend as soon as we landed. Her boyfriend broke up with her and she really needs me." 

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Of course, go right ahead. I'll let the guys know, thanks for telling me. I hope she feels better soon." 

"Yeah, me too. Have a safe ride back home. I'll see you again bright and early Monday morning." 

He nodded and turned his attention back to the rowdy band members. "Could you guys stop touching every piece of luggage? You know what your luggage looks like!" Even at their grown ages, boys would still be boys. 

Hurrying away, Lennon let herself disappear into the crowd. Shockingly, it didn't seem like fans were at the airport. Maybe they were and nobody had noticed them yet. The airport was pretty big and there were security guards everywhere. People mingled with each other and buzzed like bees. 

High heels from business women clicked along the tiled floors. Some people were spread out on their cell phones. There was a cafe in the place that had a long line. Overhead, someone was on a speaker announcing the boarding details of the next flight. 

She ducked her head towards the ground and walked quickly towards the exit. Her anxiety had kicked back up full force. She hated being around this many people. Dodging, pausing, weaving in and out between them, it felt like a sport. How did people do it all the time? 

Stepping out of the front doors and into the setting sun felt like a fever dream. Hazy pinks and bright oranges swarmed along the sky. Walking down the sidewalk, it was freeing. Her legs had felt cramped from the long plane ride. It was nice to get up and stretch them. 

Not wanting to waste time, she pulled out her phone and pulled up the Uber app. Within three minutes, a car pulled up to take her home. She couldn't wait to go home. She didn't have a friend with boyfriend troubles, she just wanted to be away from the band. She needed to figure out what to do. 

On Monday morning, she'd be going in to talk to JYP. He was the one that hired her, so he should be the one to let her know that she was quitting. She didn't like the idea of quitting without giving him a notice, but she couldn't stand the idea of doing everyone's makeup after everything. 

Han was right. They had all mentioned how much they hated when staff members took advantage of them. They tried to figure out everything about them. Asking too many personal questions. Trying to force them to exchange numbers on the first day of meeting each other. 

Lennon didn't do that. She was too anxious to even consider doing something like that. In fact, Han was the first one to truly open up to her and now she was leaving. They had invited her places and Chan had literally beat up his band member to defend her. Now she was going to leave them and that was selfish. 

She swallowed the lump in her throat while the Uber pulled up to her address. The building looked smaller than she remembered it. It was only a one bedroom apartment and that was all she needed. She was fortunate when she found it. 

It was located on a main stretch of town. A few blocks away, there was a grocery store. A variety of businesses were scattered throughout the area. Her favorite spot, a local cafe, was just a few buildings down. It was the one place she had truly missed while she was gone. 

She thanked the driver and stepped out of the car. She yanked her suitcase and makeup kit along with her. She could have asked to place them in the trunk, but she didn't, and the driver didn't offer. She was glad the two of them barely spoke to each other for the whole twenty minute drive. 

Back at the airport, a familiar sadness rippled through Changbin's heart. After securing his luggage, he looked around trying to find Lennon. When he couldn't find her, he was starting to wonder if she had gotten lost. That's when their manager told them that she had already left. 

He knew it was going to be hard without her, but this stung. Not only did she leave him without a good-bye, but she left everyone without a proper farewell. She hadn't said anything to any of the members. 

Was the American tour truly the end of their relationship? 

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