Chapter One-Hundred and Nine

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After being live for another half hour, the couple finally said their good-byes and turned the stream off. Changbin continued to hold Lennon by her waist. He refused to let go. Deep down, he was afraid he was going to lose her again. 

"So girlfriend, huh?" 

"Yeah, I think girlfriend is a great title for you. Do you think boyfriend is a good endearment for me?" 

"It sounds amazing." 

Changbin nodded triumphantly. 

"Where are all the other guys at?" Lennon finally asked. "I thought they were going to be here when I got back from Hana's place." 

"I asked them to leave because I wanted to livestream for a bit." 

"Did JYP know you were going to do this? Should I be expected to get fired tomorrow?" Lennon held her breath.

"I talked to him and he said no." 


"I'm kidding! He said we could date and he's going to keep you as our makeup artist! Woo-hoo!" 

Lennon shimmied her way out of his arms. "You just scared the shit out of me. Oh my god, I thought I was going to be jobless." 

"I'd never let you be jobless. Never, never, never. You're just too precious to me and I'm sure you have bills to pay." 

"When are the guys going to be back?" 

"They're not." 

"Oh?" Her eyebrows furrowed together. 

"They're at the other dorm. I made arrangements with the other guys. They're all going to have a big sleepover there with snacks and everything. I even gave them money, so they could order takeout." 

"Wow, look at you spoiling everyone. They must appreciate you so much." Lennon patted his shoulder. "So what are we going to do while they're gone?" 

"Well," Changbin stood up, "I stopped by the store earlier and gathered a few things. I know everything has been hectic since the tour. We've been eating a lot of takeout and a lot from hotel room service. I thought that if you're okay with it, maybe we could have a spontaneous date night. Besides, I'm not sure when the last time was when you had a proper meal." 

"It's been a while, but I'd love to." 

"Come on!" Changbin grabbed her hand and led her out to the kitchen. "I have steak and we can cut up some veggies and rice for steak fried rice. I got the recipe from Lee Know and he said if we needed help, I could just text him." 

Lennon headed towards the sink and began washing her hands. Behind her, Changbin began taking everything out of the fridge. She dried her hands as he began separating the ingredients.

"What would you like me to do?" 

"Are you good with a knife?" 

"I believe so." 

He grabbed a few different veggies and pushed them towards her. "Do you want to wash these and cut them up?" He opened a cupboard and pulled out a cutting board. "If you need help, let me know. I'm going to start cooking the steak and the rice." 

And so the two of them went. Sharing snippets of their day as they moved around each other. The smell of grilled meat began filling the air. At one point, Changbin started randomly singing a silly tune he came up with. He swore it'd make the meat cook faster. Lots of laughter was shared along with quick kisses. 

Changbin couldn't seem to get enough of Lennon's lips. It had been so long since he kissed her. He was like an addict that couldn't get enough of the high. She made him feel like he was on top of the world. It was her that he wanted to come home to at the end of the day. He wanted to take her hand and show her off to the world. 

He wanted nothing more than to baptize in her essence. He would bottle up her presence and bathe in it daily, if he could. She meant everything to him and deep down, he had always known that. He just hadn't quite fully realized what kind of grasp she had on him until she was gone. 

No matter what happened, no matter what JYP thought, no matter what the fans said, it'd always be her. She'd always own his heart. Even if something were to happen and the two of them split, she had sunk her claws into the soft flesh of his heart. 

If she let go, her touch would always remain, and he'd never be free. 

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