Chapter 5 (Rose)

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I swear I was the only turtle mutant.

I look at all of the other turtles before me. 

The one in front of me has a purple bandanna and seems to love the color purple. As he has purple rectangles on his arms and legs and his shell is purple. 

There are three other turtles who were wearing blue, orange, and red bandannas. 

It seems to be a theme.

The red bandanna is very tall and spiky. He seems scary but he is protecting me like the other's.

The purple one says something under his breath. 

"What?" I say.

"GET DOWN!" He yells. 

I duck down at the last moment as giant pink tentacles shoot over head. They retract while trying to grab one of the turtles.

I sit up and see a pig mutant holding a metal glove in his hand with his other arm spouting out tentacles and moving them around, ready for his next strike. His eyes are red and hes wearing a white t-shirt.

"Heya meat-sweats! Long time no see!" The red one taunts as the pig snorts.

"Wait you know him?!" I yell. 

They look at me like I'M the weird one. 

The blue one uses his swords and waves them in a circle toward me. A blue puddle looking thing opens up underneath me. 

I go to say something when I start to fall. I start screaming and flailing, confused as to what is happening. There are blue on all side of me and the shipment cargo area is gone.

I land on top of one of the cargo trucks with a thunk. No one nearby noticed since the turtles and foot clan are busy fighting in the middle of all the shoes and boxes. I look over the edge and see the foot clan leader put the metal piece on the truck seat and go back to the fight.

I climb down slowly, swinging myself into the passenger seat, and grabbing the metal piece in the seat. I climb over into the drivers seat and look for keys. I found some on the floor and put it in the hole next to the steering wheel. I've never drove a truck before but Huginn and Muninn said its like a bike just without peddling. I just need to find the one that moves forward and that makes me move. I twisted the key and the truck started making some weird sounds. I grab the steering wheel and push on one of the pedals. 

Nothing happens.

I might be on the brake. I move my foot to the other pedal and I start moving forward. I turn the wheel and start driving the truck to a sharp right. I keep turning until I'm facing the fight. I stop and wait for the right moment so I wouldn't hit the turtles. 

The red one just grew into a big red version of him and slammed the pig into the ground. I took this moment to jam onto the pedal and I go full speed at the pig. 

The red one jumps out of the way and the truck lands on top of the pig. He's screaming under the truck and i open the back door.

"HOP IN!" I yell and the turtles start piling into the truck. 

Once everyone was in I closed the doors and pushed on the pedal again. I drove into more boxes before steering to the right again and turning into the street.

The blue one clambers to the front and starts laughing. 

"Do you even know how to drive?" He chuckles.

"NOPE! This is my first time!" I laugh back as I swerve to avoid some cars. 

A Rose by Any Other NameWhere stories live. Discover now