The Reminiscent Gala: [22](Rose)

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Donnie helps me stagger back to Big Mama, blindly.

His brothers think we're insane going back. But I'm glad I have Donnie to support me right now.

"Donnie. I need you to stay here and point me in the direction of Big Mama. She might try attacking again if she can see you coming up." I turn my head to where he's holding my arm.

Donnie doesn't say anything. He only turns me gently and let's go.

I slowly walk towards the direction without being able to see anything. Everything is still dark with my eyes open or closed.

"Don't worry. It's me." I say when I hear her struggling.

"Why did you come back." She says without any made up words. Which is unusual with how much she uses them.

I reach out for her hand. I think I found her leg so I tap her leg and hold out my hand for hers.

She must be able to see now because she lays her hand in mine.

I grab the bracelet from my pocket and put it into her hand gently.

"This is the bracelet Ryan gave me after biting my leg." I smile down at the ground. I still can't see her so I don't want to smile at a wall.

"I don't know much, but he said that he can track me in an emergency if I push it. So you might be able to reverse it and find him." I let go and step back. "Just...promise not to kill him."

"You have my whimy word." Big Mama says. More like herself.

I smile and turn around. Groping to find Donnie. I see a faint silhouette now and go towards it.

He takes my hand and helps to lead me out of this disastrous place.

"Until we meet again turtley-poos." Big Mama calls after us.

A figure approaches on my right and I brace for impact. Still not able to see much.

Mikey slams into me and holds my stomach. Knocking the wind out of me.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! ARE YOU OK?!" He yells into my dress.

I laugh and hug him back.

"That was stupid. You went back to Spider Lady when she was mad." Leo's silhouette crosses his arms.

"We're just glad you're safe." Raph's shadow punches Leo.

"Let's just get out of here." I say, as Mikey shrinks into his shell. I plop him into my arms and we walk back to the truck. Me still half blinded.

"How long till this stuff wears off Donnie?" I ask him, almost tripping.

"Should be a bit longer-" He says but stops.

"What's wrong?" I ask stopping.

His shadow moves slightly. Is he worried? Did I say something to upset him?

That's when I feel hot breath on my shoulder. Realization dawning on my face.

What exactly happened to Ryan after the fight? I assumed since I didn't see him after that he either ran away with everyone else or was taken out by the bellhops.

But no.

he's right behind me.

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