Chapter 7 (Rose)

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I know I probably should have stayed with them and found out who my "hero's" are. But its a little nerve racking to see them roughhouse and then start fighting. 

I ran out of the alleyway after making eye contact with the purple bandana one. He was staring me down as I was trying to leave. It was kinda weird.

The orange one was cute though. Holding onto him like that. I wonder if they are related because of how close they all seem...?

I turn a corner to get back to my apartment and see it about two miles away. I stop and bend over my knees to catch my breath. I haven't run like this in a while. I need to start working up my stamina if i'm going to do more heists like this.

I look up and see the purple turtle in front of me hovering in the air.

I scream and fall backward.

He grabs my hand before I hit the ground and pulls me back up.

"Hey you ok? I didn't mean to startle you. I was just wondering why you left." He said with a slight tilt of his head.

He's so close...

He pulled me up but i'm only a few inches away from him.

He's hovering off the ground and is another foot taller than me.

He smells of expensive shampoo and a hint of motor oil. 

His skin is smooth and his hand is just a bit bigger than mine.

"Hello?" He asks his smile wavering.

"Oh! Yes! Sorry." I pull my hand away as he comes down from hovering.

His shell contracts the hover blades and he falls about an inch towards the ground.

He looks around at where we are. We are both standing on a sidewalk of a busy street. There aren't many cars driving by but the lights are bright.

"Let's move somewhere...not so open." He says frowning at a couple that's walking by. They are staring at us with their mouths agape as if we were juggling chainsaws or something. 

I nod and he starts walking back to the alleyway.

"Um. Can we... not go back there? Please?" I say shyly.

He turns around and looks at me. He nods and looks up. 

He taps some things on his wrist thingy and his hover blades pop back out. But another seat on the back of his shell pops out as well.

He starts to hover and holds his hand out to me. 

"Sit in the seat and we can go up to the roof." He says plainly.

I grab his hand and use it to jump up and sit on the back chair. He pushes a button and we start going up.

I watch as the windows on the building go down and whip by. I see our reflection and see him clicking more buttons on his wrist thing.

We make it to the top and I step off of the chair.

He retracts it all into his shell and continues tapping his wrist watch thing.

It's now that I realize I have no way to leave if I wanted to.

A Rose by Any Other NameWhere stories live. Discover now