Chapter 9 (Rose)

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I laugh at Raph's offer for a place to stay. He seems really nice but it's kinda weird he would ask right after I met him and his brothers.

"I'm good actually. I live at the Yokai apartment just two miles from here but thanks for the offer." I say politely.

Leo portals to the edge of the building and points down the street towards my apartment.

"You mean the one that's being raided by the foot clan?" He says calmly.

"Wait, WHAT?" 

I rush over to where Leo sits. 

sure enough. Down the street the foot clan are storming the apartment looking for me. 

"OH NO!! Mrs.Kensy!" I put my green, three fingered hands over my mouth as I watch the big oaf who grabbed me earlier drag Mrs.Kensy, the owner of the apartment, out the door.

She was hitting the guy with her purse like any old lady would. The foot clan was probably going to take her to interrogate her about me having their mystic piece.

"You know her?" Leo gestures his hand toward the commotion down the street.

"Yes, that's Mrs.Kensy. She is the one who let me live with her since no one else would." I cover my eyes with my hands. I can't see where they are taking her. They obviously won't hurt her since she's an older lady. But I don't want to see her being dragged off.

"Any idea why they are swamping the place?" Donnie says behind us. He glances my way but quickly looks back down the street at the commotion.

"Umm. It's because of this." I pull the metal thing from a pouch I have hidden on the back of my shell. It's brown and flat enough to blend in and no one notices it.

All four brothers gasp and Mikey falls off from his spot hanging on the pole. 

Donnie tilts his head. "How did you get it?" He says astonished.

I shrug and hold it out to him. "One of the foot clan members put it in the truck I stole." I said frowning. "But now they are taking Mrs.Kensy to try and get information out of her about me. She will be fine on her own she knows how to defend herself if it comes to it. Believe me."

Donnie takes the metal out of my hands and inspects it. He flicks down his goggles and looks at it more intensely, now holding it up to the moon for better light.

"This has mystic energy written all over it." Donnie grins. "Literally."

Donnie has arms come out and grab the piece which take it back inside the shell. 

"Oh! Uh Donnie?" I say quickly.

"Yes?" He pauses with his tech.

"I was actually gonna use that." I say hesitantly.

Donnie blinks for a moment.

"Why?" Mikey asks. "I didn't know thats what you were targeting at the shipment the foot clan was making?" 

I shift from foot to foot.

"Rose. We need to know why you need this. This thing is very dangerous." Raph says putting an arm on my shoulder.

I sigh and sit down on the ground.

"You might want to sit. I have a feeling you'll be surprised about this." I say with a frown.

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