The Purple Dragon Mission: [15](Donnie)

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"Duck and cover?" I think as Rose readjusts her seating position.

She suddenly stands and crouches, grabbing one of the high-schooler's collar and flipping him over her. 

"WOAH!" I say backing up.

The other one behind me grabs my shoulder. Kendra simply waves her hand as Rose goes after the one behind me. 

Instead of her grabbing him or punching him, she swerves and grabs an arrow from her pouch, throwing it to the floor.

The room fills with fog and the high-schoolers are struggling to find Rose. I don't even see her either. 

I feel someone grab my wrists and start cutting the rope. I'm freed and follow whoever this was out the double doors.

Once we are out of the fog I see that it was Leo who helped me.

"LEO?!" I ask as we jog down the corridor.

"Yes, yes. Tis I, your faithful steed." He says trying to bow as we run. "I got your message and came to help. We couldn't find the bomb so Mikey and Dad are looking right now. Raph should be in there helping Rose right now." 

I feel the blood drain from my face again. "Leo... I'm sorry that bomb-" 

"Is yours, yes, spare the tears no one cares. They stole it from you and are using it for evil. That's not your fault." Leo says as we slow.

Some more guards come out form the shadows and take a fighting stance in front of us. The corridor turns red from the lights and the doors lock.

"Come on. Stop worrying about your bomb, we've got butts to kick." Leo says drawing his sword.

"Alright fine." I chuckling. 

I grab my staff from my attached metallic arm and extend it with a button. Similar to Rose's bow. 


We start going after the attackers. I'm using my arm for shielding as needed. These high-schoolers might look scrawny but sure do pack a punch.

I hear Leo making puns in the background as I target one of the high-schoolers in front of me. I go for his knees and whip around with my staff, knocking him over.

I go for the next one on my right and bump him in the chest with my staff. As he bends over coughing I hit him in the side, knocking him over. 

With the one on my left I use the rocket attached to my staff and hit him hard in his stomach. Lifting him up and hitting the ceiling.

I hear Leo struggling with keeping one of them off him. I quickly swerve and bonk him behind the knees making him cave. And Leo makes a portal under him which he falls into and lands on top of the one I hit first.

There are still about five more when I hear someone yelling. It sounds like Rose.

I peer over my shoulder and catch her in the last room of the corridor. She's holding the red panda and trying to stop Kendra from disabling the computer. If she stops it, the bomb will still go off.

I look at Leo. "Hey! I need cover!" I use the arms from my shell and climb towards the ceiling. Out of reach form the other high-schoolers.

"Awe you're leaving me with the failing students?" Leo whines as he takes down another one.

"I need to diffuse the bomb ok? Give me two minutes." 

I hope thats enough time. 

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