Chapter 13 (Donnie)

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"Dad?!" I say as I lower my arms.

"Yes. You were a wise opponent today Purple. Unlike your brothers." He responds handing me back my dagger. "You really shouldn't have your weapons out where the enemy can reach them. They can use it against you." He says and turns around.

"Where is Rose?" I ask immediately. He doesn't know Rose and I'm afraid he might have done something or moved her somewhere where she can be interrogated. I'm probably just worrying too much dad won't do that.

"Oh. That other turtle on your back? She is back at our home on the couch. I was using the next ninja move of speed. Which I was going to teach you guys during your training today. Until you all DISAPPEARED!" He yells.

That's right! We had training today. Oops.

Splinter sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. Something he does when he's stressed.

"I cannot tell you how worried I was. This is now the second time this month this has happened." He sighs.

I bow my head.

"We are sorry father. It won't happen again. But I would like you to meet Rose without kidnapping her first??"

He strokes his chin. "You make a fair point. She could very well be very confused right now."

"And maybe SCARED?" I say under my breath, annoyed. I highly doubt Rose is gonna trust us again after this.

"Well. Let's get back shall we?" Dad grabs my hand and the world flies past until we are back in the sewers of our home.

Im so lightheaded that I put my hand on my knees and bend over.

"Sorry. You have to get used to going faster than normal. You might be dizzy for a minute." He says and walks to his spot on the couch in front of the tv.

"Where is Rose again?" I ask as wanting to find Rose surpasses my want to hurl. 

"I think they are in the arcade with your brothers." He says as he plops onto his chair and starts up the TV again. Grabbing into a bowl of chips that has probably been there for days.

I slowly make my way there as the dizzy feeling fades. 

I find Mikey and Raph watching Rose and Leo play air hockey. I see the score board above the air hockey table. It reads 6-6. The last score should win the game.

Leo is concentrating hard as Rose bites her lip. She hits it hard right into Leo's goal. 

"GOAL!!" She yells as Leo laughs. 

Mikey and Raph part so that I can get to Rose. Leo is shaking her hand understanding that the all time champion has been beaten. 

"Wow! You gotta teach me how you do that Rose!" Leo says as he pulls his hand back. "My brothers have never been able to beat me at air hockey before." 

Raph yells as he walks away. "Except that time S.H.E.L.D.O.N beat you!" 

Mikey laughs as he's playing on the pin ball machine. "Yea! He totally kicked your butt!" 

Leo glares at Mikey. "It doesn't count. He's a robot. I am a charming turtle with little flaws. Machines are coded so they can't have any flaw so it doesn't count."

"I'm so going to hold you to that the next time you insult my tech." I say walking up to them. 

Leo grins and bows. "So? How did your date with Dad go? After he chewed us all out for not going to training, I'm assuming he let you pass with it since you were able to fight him for the longest?" He says, now leaning on the hockey table.

I nod and tap my chin. "From what I remember he did mention something about us not going to training today. I guess I must be his favorite." 

This irritates Leo as I had hoped it would. I know that he will now be setting up pranks and traps for me but at least if I get him mad enough he should just leave.

"Fine. There is no way you're his favorite but if thats what makes you sleep at night, other than your precious smokey bear, then so be it." Leo grins and walks out of the arcade.

There it is. The payback of embarrassment and pranks that will follow. At least he's gone.

I turn to Rose. "I need you to come with me so that I can fit you with your own wrist pad. Follow me."

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