The Reminiscent Gala: [23](Donnie)

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Raph and Leo are way ahead of us. Talking about stuff as they walk to the tank.

Me? I'm lost in my own thoughts.

What did Rose give Big Mama? Why was she not afraid to go back to her even after being locked in the vault? 

At least Leo has some of the webbing in the jars. He used his portal in the vault before we left to teleport it into the tank. If it actually ended up there.

"So. How long until this wears off?" Rose asks me, pulling me out of my trance.

Mikey is still hiding in his shell. Comfortable in Rose's arms. I smile.

"It should be a bit longer-" I stop and freeze in my tracks. Ryan is peering over Rose with his fangs out. He wouldn't dare.

"What's wrong?" Rose asks, stopping and turning to me.

She can't see him. But does Ryan know that?

I slightly move to let Ryan know she can't see. Moving my palm in front of my face to represent her not being able to see much.

He looks confused and moves his hand in front of Rose's face. She doesn't flinch. To her it might look like I moved to the side.

Ryan smiles wickedly and looks back up to me. His face close to her shoulder. It makes me boil with anger seeing him do this. But I know if I do anything, he could bit her again. Making her body worse or maybe even killing her.

Rose's face darkens. Either she realizes he's there, or wonders if she offended me.

I don't know what to do.

I see Mikey's eyes peek out and widen. Ryan hasn't noticed him yet.

'Mikey!' I think to myself desperately. 'Hit him! Do something!'

I watch Mikey's eyes narrow as he builds up pressure inside his shell. I make sure to keep eye contact with Ryan so he doesn't notice Mikey.

Ryan starts to say something when Mikey bursts out of his shell and hits Ryan in the face. Rose flies back, startled, and falls to the ground.

Mikey and I prepare out weapons to fight Ryan. Rose looks around, even though she can't see much she should be able to make out silhouettes. 

"Ready for round two?" I ask Ryan, pulling out the last flash bang I have left on my staff.

"Maybe. Only this time, you'll lose." He says sneering.

We launch ourselves at each other, but come to an abrupt halt when Rose screams at us.

"Would you two stop it?!" She shouts, getting up.

Ryan, Mikey and I all look at each other confused.

"You two won't stop getting on each other's bad sides, and it's driving me insane!" She holds her head with her eyes closed. Trying to take deep breaths.

Mikey slowly backs up behind me. Still as back-up, but not a part of this conversation.

I put down my staff and Ryan stands up straight.

"Ryan. You might've been able to bite Donnie because he was trespassing. BUT! You had NO RIGHT to bite ME!" She screams at him, walking right up to his face.

"But doll. I was just trying to help you-" He tries, but fails, to calm her down.

"Do not call me 'doll.'" She says warningly. Staring him down, even though she probably can't even make out the features in his eyes. 

"You cannot control me. And you are no longer going to fight Donnie. Out of spite, OR, out of possession of me." She says. Her voice getting lower.

"I'm not afraid of you, and do not give me a reason to make you afraid of me." She says finally.

She grabs my hand and drags me towards the ball room.

"The turtle tank is the other way." I say trying to keep up with her.

She takes in a big breath through her nose and flips around. "I knew that."

We pass Ryan again and before we go too far I stick my tongue out at him.

"Don't start with me Donnie." She says, which makes me jump. 

Ryan covers his mouth, trying not to laugh as we enter the tank.

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