The Reminiscent Gala: [18](Donnie)

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This plan is a great plan. This plan will work perfectly, flawlessly.

Then why am I so nervous?

I'm trudging behind Rose for a minute trying to build up the courage to ask her to dance. Hopefully Ryan will see this and easily get either offended, or angry. Either one will work better. Since I didn't expect him to be here I'll just annoy him as much as possible to get at him for my arm. Later, of course, is when I confront him about it. 

I have to. 

But to do this I have to ask Rose to dance...

Ugh. Here goes...

I tap her on the shoulder. Rose turns around surprised I'm here.

I slowly hold my hand out and bow in front of her. I practiced this before I came in so hopefully I'm not wobbly.

I try to talk firmly without my voice cracking, "May I have this dance Rose?" 

I don't look at her face. Otherwise I'll start blushing which will ruin the moment for me.

I can feel her smile as she takes my hand. 

She accepted!

I stand up straight as I lead her with my hand to the dance floor. Trying very hard not to mess up or show her I'm blushing. Hopefully, with my mask on she doesn't see.

I can feel her hand in mine. It's warm. Her dress sways beautifully in the lights above. 

We start moving.

I didn't know she knew how to dance before. Her legs move swiftly as I follow her. Usually the partner is supposed to follow the leader but I'm fine with her leading.

Her eyes stare into mine with passion. Her smile soft as we step around the room. Her hand on my shoulder, and mine on her waist. 

I want to draw her in. Tell her how much I love her. How I admire her. How everything about her is perfect in my eyes. 

She initiates a spin for me to do to her. I hold my hand up and she twirls in front of me. 

I want her to understand how graceful she is. She's smart and kind. That I want her close to me.

She finishes her spins and comes back, her hand accidentally moved to my neck instead of my shoulder. 

She seems to flinch, startled, and moves her hand back to my shoulder.

This makes my brain stop for a moment. Does she feel the same way? Or is it just me feeling this way. 

Rose doesn't look at me for a moment and it kills me. 

Unconsciously, I take my hand that's holding hers, and let her hand graze my cheek.

She looks surprised but quickly smiles, as she does another twirl. 

What does that mean? I HATE SOCIAL QUES!

She twirls for a moment longer and when she comes back to me she dances closer to me. Looking into my eyes with more passion than I've seen before. Behind her mask I see her cheeks blushing with pink.

I take my hand off her waist and put it by her neck. She leans into my hand smiling.

Our heads get closer. As we slowly stop dancing. 

Rose reaches up to me.

Suddenly, everyone else around us stops. The dance is over.

We both pull back blushing hard. 

I hold her hands and smile. Unsure of what to say.

Leo speaks for me through her earpiece. 

"ROSE! The dance is over, we need to you advance on Big Mama!"

Rose smiles and pulls back for me. Now leaving to finish the mission.

What. Just. Happened.

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