Chapter 28 (Donnie)

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This is bad.

Even when Repo thought he turned off the camera Mikey and I watched Rose try to defend herself only to get bit by Ryan too.

"What do we do?! He wants the mystic metal and to meet in front of the junkyard but how will we get Rose back?!" Mikey says echoing my thoughts.

I sit back in my chair, dazed. 

"I...I don't know Mikey. We obviously know she's being held at the junk yard and probably with his cat but..." I stop thinking.

What if we split up? Leo and I could portal in there and grab Rose to get her out. But what if it fails? She would be cat food for sure!

"What if..." I think out loud. "We have you and Raph show up with the mystic piece and start trying to negotiate with Repo. Me and Leo will portal in there and help get Rose out." 

That might work. I think.

Mikey frowns. "I don't think Leo would want to-" 

"And we can even try painting a fake mystic armor piece in case we do have to give it to Repo." I interrupt him.

"But Donnie I-" Mikey tries again.

"We have to get her out of there. I can use S.H.E.L.D.O.N as backup since my arm is hurting and-" This time Mikey interrupts me.

"DONNIE! Leo yelled at Rose! He's mad at her. I don't think he will want to help." He scratches his arm and bites his lip.

I could feel the blood draining from my face.

"Well...How else can we get in there without Repo noticing? Or the mutant that bit my arm?" I say standing up. I need to move.

I think up of different plans in my head that don't involve Leo. But none of them work as well as this one.

"Forget it." I say grabbing my staff and stomping out the door. "Leo is helping wether he likes it or not. We need to help her." 

I get to the main room and look around for Leo. He must be in his room. 

"Mikey. Go grab Raph and bring him to the garage with the mystic piece and some crafts. Try making a fake one as accurate as the real thing. I'll be there soon." I say angrily.

My hover blades pop out and push me quickly up tp the second floor and into Leo's room.

I land in front of Leo's bed as he's reading a Jupiter Jim comic. It's issue 41 where he gets stuck on an alienated planet and his team abandons him. That how I'm feeling right now.

"Hey you're awake! How's your arm?" Leo says getting up.

"You insulted her." I say with no further explanation.

Leo pauses from getting up and frowns at me. 

"Who? Rose?" He says now looking mildly angered.

I feel like father's steam pot about to explode.

"YES ROSE! WHO ELSE?!" I yell. "Because of your actions Rose is now STUCK AT REPO'S JUNKYARD TRAPPED!" 

Leo flinches and sits back down on the bed.

I'm breathing heavily and my hover shell lowers me a bit.

"I didn't mean to say any of that. That was the heat of the moment when I was mad at her and accusing her of you getting hurt thats all." He says looking away. "I didn't really mean it but when she said I wasn't a great brother to you guys I kinda snapped. Poor Mikey." 

I clench my fists. "Yes. Poor Mikey. He had to see you yell at her. You know how he hates that. But you don't seem to say poor Rose for getting bitten by the same guy who bit me in the arm." I say poking him with my staff. "Along with Repo for probably knocked her out to get her there. Or even the fact that she was insulted for even being alive!" I take a deep breath. 

Yelling like this is making me dizzy and my arm is throbbing.

"The point I'm trying to make." I say quieter. "Is you're coming to help us get her out. And I don't care if you complain all the way but you are going to apologize to her. profusely. Until she accepts you apology and makes it home safe."

Leo looks at me with daggers in his eyes but nods.

I put a hand up to my head.

"Good. Now I don't know how long we have been fighting up here but we are leaving now. So come on." I use my hover-shell to take me to the garage as Leo grabs his sword.

As we enter the garage Mikey holds up a nearly perfect replica of the Mystic glove.

I pat his head. "Good job Mikey. Now make sure that Repo is stalled for as long as possible so we can get in and out ok?" 

He nods and rushes into the tank.

I start to follow but Leo grabs my arm.

"Dee. I'm... Sorry for any danger I might've put you guys in." He says letting go.

I turn and smile.

"It's fine. You like to live dangerously. It's your personality." I continue to the tank. 

We are going to get Rose back. No matter what it takes.

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