The Purple Dragon Mission: [9](Donnie)

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Someone threw a bag over my head and I immediately elbowed whoever it was in the stomach. I would have gotten away if they hadn't of grabbed my leg and tripped me. Then they quickly tied my hands and threw me onto a cold floor of a truck.

After a minute or two I hear Rose scream something, then she was right next to me in the truck. 

I hear her breathing fast, hyperventilating. 

"Hey, hey. Rose!" I say out loud. I feel her twist around, probably to face me. "Stop breathing so quickly. You can pass out ok? Do what I do. Breathe in." 

She follows me as I take a deep breath. "And out." We both hear each other breath out hard.

"We can get through this ok? Just feel for me and don't let go of me." 

I feel her hands come around and grab mine. We are both tied up and are now back to back. She and I are trying to intertwine our hands as thew truck bounces us up and down.

I'm so glad she can't see my face blushing. I know I'm just trying to help and this situation is bad, but It's weird.

After a few more minutes in the truck I can hear Rose's breathing slow. She's not hyperventilating anymore. 

After another couple minutes the truck stops throwing us to the wall. The truck doors open up and someone steps in. They pick me up and push me forward. Doing the same to Rose I assume.

We get pushed along out of the truck. I can feel the gravel change to tile under my feet. At some point we must've gone through a door. 

After a bit of walking, whoever was pushing us made us stop. He shoved in between me and Rose and opened a door. Taking off our potato sacks and pushing us in, still tied. It turns out to be Jason and he slams the door closed.

I quickly scoot over to Rose who looks to be in pain.

I go to untie her hands which were digging into her skin. Kendra made them super tight on her. I'm going to find some way to make her pay.

Rose rubs her wrists and goes to untie mine. We do this all in awkward silence. 

"Are your wrists ok?" I ask once I'm untied.

She just nods and gets up. "Sorry about what happened in the truck." 

"Don't be." I follow her to the table. "I've have panic attacks like that before it's no problem."

Rose holds her arm. Observing the room. She is so much more quieter than normal. Something is wrong.

"So. What's our plan for the super computer?" I ask. 

Rose stays quiet. This isn't right. What happened to her?

She gestures to something in the corner of the room. I see a camera with a red light on and a microphone under it.

Rose grabs a pencil from her boot pouch and starts writing on a piece of paper on the table.

It read.

"They're watching, and listening. Keep your head low. Don't attract any attention. They expect that."

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