Undercover: [5](Rose)

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"April. Baxter couldn't have followed us. Sure he's an evil genius but he wouldn't do that. He's still a kid." Leo gets up and leans on one foot. His blue unicorn hoodie making him more confident.

I get up and put a hand on Leo's shoulder. "I don't know. Let's go on lock-down anyway. April seems really shaken." I say looking at her.

April nods, her hands shaking slightly. What is so bad about an 8 year old that is making her so scared?

"Yes. Of course." Donnie gestures for April to hit a button on the wall nearest to the garage door.

April hits the button and all the doors shut with a metal clang. Now we can't get out without a code Donnie installed in it. As well as no one can get in without it being opened from the inside. A red light replacing the regular lighting letting everyone know of this emergency.

April sways and falls towards Donnie. He catches her, startled.

"April?! Hey! Wake up!" Donnie lays her on the ground, his eyes wide.

Leo and I look at each other with alarm and run to them. Everyone following close behind.

We reach April in the red light. I pick her up and lay her in my lap. Checking her pulse and making sure she's breathing.

"April. This isn't funny. Wake up." Leo says, gently shaking her arm.

"Oh no. It's not funny. It's hilarious." We hear a voice coming from the second floor.

We all look to find Baxter standing on the edge with a remote in his hand. His evil grin seemingly glowing in the red light. He's holding a ray looking gun by his side. Glowing green.

"Don't worry. I'm sure the overextended use of her brain will keep her tired for just another minute or two." He waves the gun around in front of his face checking it in the red light. The green light coming from the gun reflecting onto his face.

"I didn't know that April's little friends could be mutants as well..." he chuckles. "That makes this all the better."

"Baxter! What do you want with us?" Leo sneers at him.

"I WANT MY FORTUNE!" He stomps on the ground and growls. "Every time I promised my viewers or the city that I would reveal you guys, IT NEVER HAPPENS! I'm tired of being treated like a moron because I'm 'making up' you ugly mutants." He stops his anger my burst and smiles wickedly again.

"Sorry Baxter. I don't know if you heard but I'm the best looking mutant in the land. I am their Face Man after all." Leo says, trying to make a joke out of the situation. But obviously more worried about April.

"Well. Then you wouldn't mine being next on my mind control ray?" He snickers, pointing it at Leo.

"Mind control?!" Donnie looks at me flabbergasted.

"That's impossible!" Donnie and I agree.

"Well. Seems like you're gonna find out for yourselves!" Baxter shoots the ray at Leo.

He leaps out of the way at the last second. The green ray hits the ground with a splat, making a puddle of goo.

I look at it in awe. The realization dawning on me.

I look at Donnie in terror. "DONNIE! THAT'S NOT MIND CONTROL! ITS-" Interrupted, I get hit in the back. I reach my hand around and feel the goop on my back.

My hand starts shaking and my brain starts fogging over. I get up unwillingly, holding my head. One thought crosses my mind.

The goop from the oozesquitoes.

A Rose by Any Other NameWhere stories live. Discover now