The Purple Dragon Mission: [1](Rose)

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I'm at my job today. Working at the "Run of the Mill Pizza" with senor Hueso. After the craziness of me meeting the turtles I decided to go back to work and earn a little extra bit of money. I've made sure to wear my boot at work so that my leg works great and doesn't slow me down. 

I have a plate of pepperoni pizza from the kitchen, and I'm walking it to table 5.

I come around a corner and smile. Sitting at table 5 are the most chaotic, reckless turtles that decided to bring me into their home. Donnie is working on his holographic blueprints as usual while Leo and Raph are playing a card game. Mikey is stacking the condiments into a huge tower, placing a single ketchup packet at the top.

I walk up to their table with their food in hand a gently place it on the table. 

"So! What are a couple of crazy fellas doing here on my day of work? Can I get you any drinks?" I ask, pulling out a pad of paper and a pencil.

"Ooooh! Can I have apple juice?" Mikey asks, trying to hold the tower up so it doesn't fall.

"Yea, can I just have water?" Leo asks, too focused on the card game to look at me.

"Same here." Raph says.

I tilt my head at Donnie. He's not wearing his glove today but he doesn't usually use it other than for missions anyway. He seems to be very invested in his blueprints for something. 

He looks... worried?

"Dee?" I ask. 

"Oh! Uh. Yea, just water. Thanks." He mumbles not looking away from his blueprints.

"Ok! three waters and an apple juice. Dig in!" I scratch it down on the pad as the brothers start grabbing slices of pizza. Donnie doesn't reach for pizza, he keeps working on his blueprints.

I walk away to get their drinks. I'm worried about Donnie, he isn't usually like this.

I put it to the back of my mind as I grab the next order and give the cook their drink order. 

The cook is a yokai that looks like a bat. They have a constant attitude but, on the rare, has a good sense of humor.

Before I walk away with the plates of food the cook grumbles.

"They ordered their drinks after their food?" He protests. "It's supposed to be drinks then food!"

I shrug. "They didn't want drinks first?" I say walking back with the food.

"This society's broken." He mutters as he pours the drinks.

I try hard not to laugh.

I go over to table 12 with their food. The girl is sitting behind a tall menu with another friend next to her. They seem to be giggling.

"Hello ladies! I have your food here for you today! What are we gossiping about?" I ask smiling.

I place their orders down as they move the menu. The girl on the right is wearing a green university jacket and a yellow skirt. She has curly hair and dark skin with red framed glasses. She was giggling with the girl on the left. She was made up of green goo with eyes and her goo swayed to make short hair.

"Oh! Thanks for the food! We were just talking about some of our friends." The girl on the right says. "I'm April! April O'Neal! And this is Sunita. What's yours?" 

"Oh! I'm Rose. It's nice to meet you two!" I say smiling. "Wave me down if you guys would like dessert ok? I have a few more orders to do before I can sit and chat." 

I wave goodbye as they dig into their food. 

April, huh? I think Donnie mentioned her name once. Is she the same April?

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