The Reminiscent Gala: [7](Donnie)

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I'm now flying with my hover shell to April's house. I told April I couldn't fly her this time since I'm carrying Rose so she said she will go with Leo.

I watch them portaling on each rooftop beside me. It's safer that way. Or at least that's what Leo says.

Cinder is chirping on my back. Not liking the fact that we are flying. 

I round a corner and get to April's fire escape. The window is unlocked so I use my metal hand from my battle shell to open it and enter.

I look at Rose. She's wrapped up in a blanket that Mikey grabbed for us before we left so she would stay warm. And Raph gave me a small stuffed animal for her. He said he bought it for her a while ago but forgot to give it to her.

I look around April's room. Looking for somewhere to set Rose down. I find a small mattress beside April's bed and gently lay her on it. Adjusting the blanket for her to be more comfortable in. Cinder leaps off of me and curls up under the blanket. Her red fur hiding from me.

April and Leo portal onto the fire escape and enter the window. April is out of breath and quickly climbs into her bed.

"Bye guys. Close the window on your way out." She says and throws the blanket on top of her.

"Will do!" Leo says as we leave.

I steal one last glance at Rose as we close the window.

"You don't understand how easy you've got it." Leo says leaning with his back on the railing of the fire escape.

I look at him confused.

"She just fell asleep on you." Leo says blatantly. Looking for a response from me.

I sigh and lean with my arms on the railing as well.

"No. I don't understand." I say after a moment of silence. "The problem is I don't understand girls. I don't understand social cues. You know this about me! You helped me learn sign language when I was little so we could communicate." 

"Yes. But. I've tried so hard to find someone for me and you have no idea how hard that is. She basically fell into your lap. Quite literally." He says smiling sadly.

"But. You have charm and you know how to flirt! How-?" I ask when he interrupts me.

"Because. There is someone for everyone but I haven't found mine. That's just it." He says sighing.

"Leo." I say putting a hand on his shoulder. "You might not need someone. But if you want someone and you keep looking. I'm sure you'll find them." I smile sadly.

He smiles back.

I pull him into a hug which surprises him. I don't like physical touching. And yes, this is torture for me to hug him. But he needs it and I don't quite understand how to show emotion or that I love someone. But I need to show him that I do appreciate my brothers. So.

Leo closes his arms around me and hugs me tight. 

I pull away and smile.

"I-...Appreciate. You guys." I try to explain.

He inhales sharply. "Oooo, so close." 

I punch him in the arm. 

"HEY! OW! What happened to the heartfelt hug?" He asks rubbing his arm and smiling.

"You ruined it." I smile.

"I appreciate you too Dee." He smiles and portals away.

I look through the window a Rose snoring away. Her green skin fading into the green blanket.

I smile and follow after Leo.

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