Undercover: [10](Rose)

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Only an inch from his face I growl at him. Obviously angered and showing it. These chains hurt.

Once he realizes I can't reach him, he relaxes. "Wow. Even after the goop taking your energy and controlling your mind, you still have a lot of fight in you."

No thanks to Ryan. I think.

"Let me go now. I won't ask twice." I glare at him.

Baxter starts laughing uncontrollably. Falling to the floor and rolling around. I'm caught off guard by this. Looking around the store looking for a way out while he collects himself.

"Wow! You are so much funnier than that blue turtle!" He chuckles.

I raise an eyebrow. "Really. I thought I was just asking something reasonable." I roll my eyes.

"Yea. Sure. Anyway." He gets up, holding his side. "I'm sure this is your first time being captive so I'll go easy on you."

"It's actually not." I look at him, flat faced.

He looks back in shock. "Wha- how... I'm not even gonna ask." He waved a hand at me.

"Yea. Probably best you don't. You would find out my sob story and maybe feel bad enough to let me go." I roll my eyes.

"Yea not happening." He pushes another button, causing the chains to wrap back around my body and collapsing me to the floor.

I groan as the chains tighten. I feel like I'm gonna explode. "God! How tight are you gonna make these! It hurts!" I yell at him.

He just snickers and gets in my face. Since I'm at his level, he finds it amusing that I was towering over him before hand.

"I just need to make sure you don't leave. At least until I have you comply to my standards." He sneers.

I look at him. Unamused.

He just rolls his eyes and clicks a button on a remote he has in his hand. A monitor comes down from the ceiling. Most likely one using the cameras at the front to keep anyone from stealing.

What pops up on the screen horrifies me. It's cameras, but planted all over our home in the sewers.

"Yea. I followed you guys to your little home away from home. Quite comfortable for living in a sewer." He looks at me smugly.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"To show the world you're real!!! After the last time I encountered your friends, I was going to show the world their horrifying looks." He turns to the monitor, angered. "Until they somehow escaped! The world called me an idiot, stupid, a complete maniac."

He slowly turns, looking at me, weirdly happy. "You are going to change that. If not, then I can just show the world where your home is and how to get there. Along with this camera footage so they will finally BELIEVE me."

I scowl at him. "So what? How do you know we won't escape this time? They know where I am and we can just move homes."

"Oh, I'm counting on them knowing where you are." He says, holding a tracker in his hand.

My eyes widen as I realize it's the same one on my robot foot.

"For now, it's sending signals that are making them follow you all across the city. Until I want them to find you." He smiles wickedly. "What are you going to do?"

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