The Reminiscent Gala: [16](Donnie)

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We have the turtle tank parked in the back parking lot as we all finish up gathering the last of what we needed. Raph already left to go and join the other security guards. Mikey is gathering the food in the back of the tank to get ready for him and Leo to be waiters.

I open up my computer and finish hacking in their security system to access their camera's

Leo pops up behind me and watching over my shoulder. 

I finally get into the camera's and see Rose try to push through the crowd to get inside.

"Do you think she'll be ok?" I ask Leo.

"She's a fighter. She's got this down." Leo says sitting next to me.

"I don't know. She looked pretty spooked when we opened the tank doors." I frown watching Rose being pushed back.

I turn away and set the computer on the console so I don't have to see this.

"Dee. You have to believe in her sometimes. She can do some cool things like you can." Leo puts a hand on my metal left arm. 

I peel his hand off my arm.

"Hey. That wasn't physical contact. I was touching your metal arm." Leo points out.

I sigh and put my elbows on my knees and rest my face in my hands.

"Hey. It'll be ok. If you're worried about how to express your feelings to her you don't have to. Just be yourself around her and maybe do it through sign language or through a note." Leo tries to comfort me.

"No. It's not that." I say leaning back in my chair. My back hurts when I lean forward for too long.

"Then...What." Leo asks standing up to face me. "Come on. I can try to help you but you gotta tell me." 

I look at my metal arm, then Leo.

"I need help figuring out something to help me with my arm. I feel so useless when I can't use it on it's own. I have to hide it in my suit's sleeve so that I can just lift a cup." I frown.

"Donnie. Is that's what's been bothering you?" Leo smiles sympathetically.

"Your arm doesn't determine who you are." He kneels in front of me. "But if it bother's you that much you can try working with it. If you take off the metal arm and try doing daily things then it might come to a point you won't need it. That's what Rose is doing."

I peek out from behind my hands. "You're right." 

I notice Leo's been taping on his wrist pad the whole time while talking to me.

"What are you doing?" I ask him looking at his hands.

"Nothing. Just sending something to Raph." Leo smiles and gets up.

"Ok." I look at him oddly and turn back to my computer.

Leo grabs my computer ad closes it.

"What is up with you?!" I ask him angrily.

"Oh... uh...." Leo mumbles seemingly sweaty.

"Give me that." I snatch the computer back and find Raph, Rose, and Ryan all talking at the snack bar.

"Ryan's here." I mumble.

"Leo! Let's go! I've got the food!" Mikey shouts from outside.

"Coming!" Leo yells back and pushes me around to face him.

"Do. Not. Do. Anything. Stupid." he spells out for me. Then he gets up and leave the tank.

"Oh. I think it's better than stupid. It's genius." I mumble after him smiling.

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